Ventilation for cabinet grow


So I'm starting my cabinet grow real soon but the problem is I haven't worked out a ventilation system yet. I can't figure out what fans to use or how I will install them. Also, for the smell, would buying a carbon pad for air purifiers work to just put over the outtake?
Any installation tips for fans in a wooden cabinet and links to what fans to buy would be great help.

Peace and Pot :leaf:

P.S. I'm on a tight budget


Well-Known Member
how big is the cabinet and what kind of light do you plan on running ?


A 4 inch ventilation will in most cases do fine (LED/Tube`s/CFLs) but if you plan on running a bigger HID lamp (400W and up) you will probably need a 5" or even a 6 inch ventilation and you will need a active carbon filter to keep it odor free (will clear 99,9%) make sure the filter match the ventilation (in CFM) so it can handle the ventilation or more

sum thing like this



That kind of thing is too expensive for me right now. Odor isn't too much of a big deal, as long as the smell doesn't leave the room the cabinet is in I don't mind it. I need some tips on what to do about simple intake and outtake fans and also I was wondering if I could just put a carbon pad over the outtake. Would that take any of the smell away?


Well-Known Member
only need a outtake ventilation, physics will take care of the rest as long as you keep some passive intake holes (air going out have to be replaced with something, after all we are on Earth)

unless you have a hugh grow room then you might need it, a simple 4" budget ventilation with filter don't cost that much, (80$) and believe me, the odor is extreme, compared to a small Bag of Bud`s on your living room table a plant or two in full flowering will more smell of a living Skunk in your closed, so unless you live on a deserted Island and can't smell **** you need one

as well as the ventilation that not just keep temperatures on track and get rite of the odor it also provide the living plants with fresh air (Co2)


So is the filter not necessary until the flowering stage? I'm sure I can get the cash within the next few weeks and right now my seed is still germinating.


Well-Known Member
So is the filter not necessary until the flowering stage? I'm sure I can get the cash within the next few weeks and right now my seed is still germinating.

IMO its not necessary before they begin to flower, first then they really begin to stink like skunk, tho you will be able to smell big plant`s in Veg, but nothing compared to a flowering plant that easily can smell up a hole block and make it hard to live in the same space

I don't use a filter for my Veg plant`s I just use a T5HO fixture in the room where my tent is located to veg out some plant`s to replace the flowering plant`s I got in the tent, I don't smell em anymore, friends/family might notice some smell once they get indoor, but minimal and won't ruin safety or your night sleep IMO so unless you live on top of your local police station or have a room mate that need to be keeper in the dark it won't really be necessary before 12/12 and at least not the first 3-5 weeks wile the plant is small