ventilation for my closet and yours.


Well-Known Member
oh and for the fan, should i cut a hole at the base of the door to fit the fan and some tubing? Wouldn't i need 2 holes for the exhaust fan and the intake fan?


Well-Known Member
You bet dude, I'm happy to help. We all are here at RIU.

You are going to have a lot of heat build up, so you have to have a way to get it out. That's what ventilation is all about. You exit the hot air (exhaust), you enter in cool air (intake) and circulate it around (oscilating fan) for the plants. So you will actually need atleast 3 fans. The oscilating fan can be just a regular Walmart special, but the others need to be rated for the square footage of your grow area.

Now that air that is getting vented out of you closet needs to be treated so that it does not smell, therefore I would recommend a carbon filter. Luckily, you can make one yourself pretty cheaply. Just check out this link International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - DIY pro style carbon filter as a matter of fact, if you check out the whole Links page International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - ICMAG'S OFFICIAL ~DIY~ LINK-O-RAMA; you'll learn alot.

BRB dude, I gotta go walk my lab... he's whining up a storm!
do you think i would be ok with just opening the door a few times a day?


Well-Known Member
opening the door once or twice a day is not going to cut it mate , even with a 400w the temps will be above 85 , with a 600w i guess its be worse , the plants not only prefer a stable temp around 27 , but they like fresh air not stale , so you need to be circulating it ,

read these forums youll find loads about ventilation. You could use just one exhaust fan and a passive intake ( hole with no fan) negative pressure created by the exhaust will suck air in. A fan inside is needed to strenghten stems and keep plants cool.

Hope i helped.


Well-Known Member
lol , sorry i get confused using both celsius and farenheit , 27 is about 77 i think roughly.


Well-Known Member
Cut a hole in the wall like I did put the exhust tube in and seal all around. I have mine venting through my washroom exhust fan that goes outside. But you could get away with just pushing the air through the wall . you wont reall need an intake cause the air will suck through all the tine holes and cracks in your closet


Active Member
hey 007. Do you really think my bill will go up 100 dollars a month?!?!

Oh yeah dude, it's gonna go up atleast a $100.00 a month once you are all set up. And you will need to do an exhaust cut from the top and the intake from the bottom.

El1 is right, just opening a door won't nearly do it for the plants. You could save money and have less heat if you use CFLs (compact florescent light bulbs), but I only use them for vegging so; I can’t help you there.

Hey I got another link for you too. It shows how to set things up for using a 400w light in a closet. Check it out… New Page 1



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah dude, it's gonna go up atleast a $100.00 a month once you are all set up. And you will need to do an exhaust cut from the top and the intake from the bottom.

El1 is right, just opening a door won't nearly do it for the plants. You could save money and have less heat if you use CFLs (compact florescent light bulbs), but I only use them for vegging so; I can’t help you there.

Hey I got another link for you too. It shows how to set things up for using a 400w light in a closet. Check it out… New Page 1

damn you guys are amazing. Thank you so much. It is so fucking ridiculous that a plant is illegal. Fuck that. I really wish i could do something about it. I just watched stoned guide to growing cannabis and it was amazing and very informing. I am moving into an apt. building where my dad lives. I am not going to live in the same apt. (accross the hall) He is cool as shit and always "stocks up" when i come, but i don't think he thinks its too smart to grow. I asked him the other day what the bill will be per month and he said around 20 bucks. I am going to be going to college and working a part time job so 100 bucks seems like a lot(at least i have my best friend as my room mate to help pay). It seems crazy that the bill would go up 80 bucks! I believe it though if you guys are sayin it. So 100 bucks does not look suspicious in a building where most peoples bill is 20-30$? mattso i am going to read through your grow journal; Ill tell you what i think when i am done. El1 i think ill have an intake and a hole because i am trying to save money. My main problem will be money. I am not about to start a cheap grow though. When i do shit(especially this type of shit) i do it right.

smoke the herb for the rest of your lives:joint:


Active Member
Get some flexible dryer ducting and run it to a inline fan, drop the ducting down between your lights and that way you can vent hot air, keep other fans pumping in new air from the outside, good luck.


Well-Known Member
i dont know about 100 dollars a month!! I run a 400w and does about 30 aus a month on top so you should be ok unless ure running multiple setups which i dont think u are.

also check this link for a really cheap ass way to make a carbon filter.It works , just not so pretty , also u probally wanna put more holes in then this guy but thats my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Get some flexible dryer ducting and run it to a inline fan, drop the ducting down between your lights and that way you can vent hot air, keep other fans pumping in new air from the outside, good luck.
should i make a whole in the wall. Is there any way of not doing that because i live in an apt. and that seems fucked up to do to the landlord.


Well-Known Member
i dont know about 100 dollars a month!! I run a 400w and does about 30 aus a month on top so you should be ok unless ure running multiple setups which i dont think u are.

also check this link for a really cheap ass way to make a carbon filter.It works , just not so pretty , also u probally wanna put more holes in then this guy but thats my opinion.
cool thanks bro.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
the guy makiing it is a bit of a retard so ill elaborate on how i made my similar one.

once youve done what hes done ( i used a container with a bottom and drill heaps of holes in it rather than have a giant hole like his)

and filled it up with carbon , then you can stuff the other end with some more cotton fluffy crap.
then u get some ducting and some aluminium tape and tape the ducting over the open end ( opposite end of screws)

then attach other end to your exhaust fan and there you go,

not exactly pro level but it does its job .


Well-Known Member
bathroom fans will make some noise. Sometimes more, sometimes less. They whistle and the noise cuts through doors. I bought one, and don't use it really. I use a box fan and a small fan and that's it. I leave both closet doors cracked - I don't want to run ducting into my attic through my ceiling. It works, but is ghetto. I am going to build a large cabinet instead of growing in my closet next winter. My yearly outdoor harvest is what I focus on most anyway.

I am thinking 6.5'Hx4'Wx2'D. That would give me room for a floro veg/clone chamber.


Active Member
I have a huge question about this whole situation. I have my grow room setup. I just recieved my 4in inline 171cm fan and carbon filter for $150 from HTG today. How the hell do i set this up lol? I have a 400w hps/mh light with a cooltube. Im guessing take the 4in ducting i bought put it from the cooltube directly into the inline fan exhausing air out. Does the other side of the vent goto the carbon filter? So it would be taking heat directly from the light through the fan through the vent out into the carbon filter? should i have the filter outside or inside the grow room? use it as a scrubber? my inline fan will replace the air in my hydro hut in 5 mins. How many time a day should i do this ? to keep the ait fresh? I then have a small oscilating fan inside the tent . And then i have a regular high powered fan going from the window directly into the hut. IM just confused on how this carbon filter works.... do i attach the 4in ducting to the collar of it? and wehre do i put the filter lol? Please help :)