ventilation questions / importance


I'm doing a closet grow 2.5x2.5x4.5 and well i don't now much about grow set ups. walls lined with mylar, just ordered these lights . the room stays at a temp of 76-82. i can drill in to this closet from the right wall or underneath actually.

basically I'm just curious in how important ventilation is and what happens if i don't ventilate. also if i do ventilate is installing and putting it together hard/pricey. could i just drill holes in the wall, and have a fan out side the closet blowing air through the holes. please help.


Active Member
If you are using strictly CFL's you shouldn't need to drill any holes. They don't produce too much heat. You may want to have some kind of small fan to bring in fresh air and blow the plants around a bit.


so a small fan inside the cabinet is what your saying? think i can leave the cabinet door slightly cracked and have the fan blowing towards the crack?


Active Member
this will work for Veg. but once you start blooming the plants they will start to produce that smell we all love, so if you're trying to keep this a secret I would suggest a small carbon filter


alright so like i said I'm new to this..what do you think is the best thing for me to do. right now there is nothing in the cabinet but the mylar and lights. the cabinet is on a loft in a top corner of the room. your said get a fan but do you mean just a regular small fan and put it someplace in the closet, that wouldn't really get fresh air in there i don't think. and i need some sort of ventilation if you say get a carbon filter, right?

idk I'm just confused. if you can give me like more detailed information on maybe what to get and how to go about setting it up i would really appreciate it. the cabinet is wooden FYI


Active Member
would an inline fan do the trick?
Ok it's like this:

Plants need a certain level of CO2 to grow properly. The air around us has a natural concentration of about 300ppm. When you close the door to your room, you are sealing in a small amount of CO2 and that is all the plants have until you open the door again. So, you will want to have some kind of air exchange between your room and the outside.

This is simple enough in veg since you can simply leave the door cracked as you said, but not so easy when flowering. If it is possible for you to create an outlet(hole) in your room to bring air in with an inline fan, go for it. This will also allow you to add a carbon filter down the road during bloom.


Well-Known Member
6" inline fan, hung from ceiling with bungee cords to stop noise from vibration, small carbon filter (DIY?), secured to outside of box with metal strapping of some sort, mount fan high in closet to remove hot air, cut equal sized 6" hole in opposite side wall on the bottom of the wall to draw in fresh cool air. cover lower 6" hole with a fine mesh screen to stopp debris entering. Done perfect ventilation! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If you made a pie chart of factors that are important to a successful grow ventillation would be in that chart.