
Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
Heyy, im currently outfitting an old 1 piece fridge for growing, ive got it setup with a 95 watt compact fluorescent, for veggin' which has been made to be able to be switched over to a 250 watt Agro-Son HPS. Im growing in a blue bin recycling container in a soil medium. Im currently choosing what type of fan to use, a friend suggested a squirrel cage but i cant find any smaller then 150CFM and at the most i have MAYBE 35 cubic feet of space. I was thinkin of using a bathroom fart fan, the ones im looking at are rated at 50 and 70CFM, with a price tag of 20 and 30$ respectively. I just thought Id ask and get aother opinion here before i go spending any of my hard-earned money on something i dont need. Any advice would be well appreciated, cheers.


Well-Known Member
Lights sound good. You sound to me like you're going to stealth grow in the fridge. Make sure you have intake AND output fans. The bathroom fans you are suggesting should suffice. cheers.


Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
Awesome, thanks for the advice guys, any other little tidbits any one could suggestwould also be well appreciated. lol, and ya, i am goin stealth, theres a local fridge store that my friends dad owns, so when an old fridge is too crapped out to repair, he rips out the compressor and gives it to me. Im thinkin of setting up a second fridge, for veggin' exclusively, and then permanently converting the other one to a flowering chamber. By the way does anyone have any suggestions for odour control?
cheers, Sgt. Stoner

Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
Lights sound good. You sound to me like you're going to stealth grow in the fridge. Make sure you have intake AND output fans. The bathroom fans you are suggesting should suffice. cheers.

Quick question Tenn, correct me if Im wrong, but if i have exhaust fans only, wouldnt that maintain a negative pressure on the fridge that wold naturally contain the odour?


New Member
Yes exhaust fans are essential for odour control. They work even better if you slide in a carbon filter. Total smell reduction...

Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
Do you think i could mount my carbon filter on the outside of the fridge? Or maybe i could pump my exhaust through an air scrubber? A friend of mine suggested directing my exhaust through an air filter, then through a chamber filled with ONA gel, or a few ONA blocks. Think that would work?
Cheers, Sarge

Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
I dont think you could get a carbon filter from home depot, though i might be wrong. All the carbon filters i've seen have been in hydroponics stores, or on DIY webpages with instructions on how to build one yourself.

Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
Kewl, ummmm, could u link some instructions up, or sumthin like that. Also, how much oomph would you say id need (CFM-wise) from my fan to pump my exhaust through a filter, and could i mount this filter on the outside of my fridge?
thanks, Sarge


Well-Known Member
I hear you can get most of the shit at walmart. Like the activated carbon, filters, bucket, fan.

Sergeant Stoner

Active Member
Kewl, but how do you put it together, i checked the site and couldnt find much, and whnever i google it, i get instructions to order. Nuthin comes for free anymore i guess:P If you've got a link, or sumthing like that, itd be much appreciated, and how much power do you need from your fan to run your exhaust through a filter anyways?
cheers, sarge


Active Member
Quick attention ...... I have tried growing recently in an old freezer ventialtion is the number 1 priority as i found out the hard way !!! Are you shutting the fridge door and how u getting ventilation in there u cud be the info guy i need !!!! Appreiciate a hasty reply, hope im not sounding rude but ive just planted two new babies and im seriously thinking of moving them unless i can solve this ?????????????