Venting help


Active Member
what up?? I set up a new flower room...Im runnin a 400watt HPS. the temp ranges between 79 and 98. even at 98 the plants look good and there is 30-40% humidity...just for peace of mind I want to loser the temp.....but I want to Mac Guyver it...Im spending 80-120 on a damn fan.

so...I have a hole in the flower room that goes into my un-insulated garage. I have a 4'' duct running from the hole into the room, and set up behind my fan so it blows cool air.

my question....should I be blowing cold air in or taking the hot air out?? I only have the one hole and dont want to make anymore.....

any help would be great!!:bigjoint:

AK-48, white widow and 5 bag seeds flowering!!!


Active Member
sorry...Im blazed on some AK-48 and full of turkey!!!

I dont want to spend money on an inline fan...any ideas on riggin my own??

should it be cold in or hot out??


Well-Known Member
make a exhaust fan out of a old dryer, i did it and it works awesome..... just take the fan and motor out of the dryer and reassemble with a few mods and you have a very good fan... the output is around 400-600 CFM large enuff for most grow rooms

good luck


Well-Known Member
sorry im high as hell and forgot....
you want to take the stale air out, but you will also want to draw new fresh air in
but if you leave the door cracked in your flowering room you shuld get enuff fresh air


Active Member
it'll work either way, but for odor control I believe it is easier/better to pull hot air out


Well-Known Member
when n doubt, let it out. thats what i always say. also dude, go to home depot nad get a bath fan. very easy to hook up and the little ones are like 13.00. if it is too loud i could tell ya how to insulate it for an xtra 10.00 spent. caio!


New Member
It should definatly be hot air out. you can even get a peice of glass and isolate the light from the room and have a cold air intake to the light and a hot air exaust. just like a Cool Tube. I was getting 90F and now i get like 70 if i want.

Before u do anything tho show a pic of ur plants and ill tell u if it will help.