Venting into attic?


My grow is in a small closet in a spare room of the house. All along my plan was to cut a hole in the ceiling, attach fan, and exhaust into my attic. I just went to cut the holes and had a thought. Is this going to cause the bud smell to permeate the house? I'm not too sure on how/if the attic is vented. There is no noticeable vents on the roof but I don't have a very steep pitch to my roof so there may be a low profile one up there.. and I'm not getting on the roof because I hate heights. I guess it may really depend on my specific situation/setup. But in general - any helpful info?



Active Member
alot of people vent into the attic. your attic should have a bunch of passive intake vents all around cuz if not it would be hotter then hell in there. I doubt it will smell up the whole house but it may stink up around your house where the intake vents in your attic lead outside.That can all be resolved with a carbon you own the house? i dont think u can cut a hole in the ceiling like that if its not yours.not sure

this is what i would do.

i would run my exhuast from the closet into the attic with a carbon filter attached. so the fan is sucking all the hot air from the closet and pushing it threw the carbon filter which you should leave in the attic.if there is any smell it would be transfered into the attic.


Well-Known Member
Rasta has given you good advice. You could also run duct to a gable vent or ridge vent to exhaust the air as high up in the air as possible. Make sure if you do, you run it to a vent close to your back yard and not your front door.


Well-Known Member
i currently vent into my attic , i have 2 x 3ft plants 56days into flowering unfiltered and i cant smell anything in my home or outside the house.

i will add that i do plan to get some filters soon though just incase.



Active Member
^ i hear they dont really stink up till the 5th week of flower. so get those filters ASAP!!! ur almost there

edit: wait ur past the 5th week.. my bad. im not high yet, i cant think properlly


Im finishing my 4th week of flower and no strong smell. I have a 3x3 closet w 6 WW ladies. I also exhaust into the attic although i still havent smelled any really strong bud smell in the house


Well-Known Member
I totally agree with rasta. A bag of herb can stink up a room. A plant can easily stink up a house, with the exception of the lower-odor strains. Look into some ONA or a carbon filter before you go stinking up your whole house and yard.


Thanks guys. I knew I saw a grow journal or 2 where the exhaust just goes to the ceiling, I just didn't know if I was overlooking a critical step or part or something.

I do own the house and during the next remodel we will be removing this closet all together so I'm free to cut and modify how I like.

I'm planning on installing a 6" duct fan directly to the ceiling and I'll have some sort of carbon filter by flowering time.

I live in the sticks not close to many friends or family so visitors aren't really a concern. and my closest neighbor is approx. 500 yards away so I would think any stink that may get out would dissipate enough that nobody would be the wiser.

Cool... off for a nap before I bust out the power tools.

Thanks again


Using a carbon filter will make a dramatic change in smells. Years ago I noticed whenever I was outside ALL I could smell was MJ, the strongest MJ smell you could ever imagine outside. It took a few weeks (of racking my brain) to determine that our neighbors had a large growing operation in their detached garage. **The first few weeks of living there I thought the smells was from me smoking** There were VERY secretive and I thought it was a strange "family". No one actually lived there. One day my cat went missing and I ended up in their driveway trying to find her. I was cornered by 3 very large Russian men who wanted nothing more than me off the property. I complied but as I was walking back home I turned around and said "A carbon filter on that exhaust would cut down on the smell." Within a few days the smell had diminished to nearly nothing and I was rewarded with an ounce of some of the best shit I've ever smoked.


Well-Known Member
dont get me wrong my grow room smells sweet but like i said i vent into my attic and there is no smell inside my living areas or around the outside of my house. i have 2 3ft'rs heavily budding.

i do plan on attaching a CF when i redesign due to my next strains that im growing as i have an ICE strain .


dont get me wrong my grow room smells sweet but like i said i vent into my attic and there is no smell inside my living areas or around the outside of my house. i have 2 3ft'rs heavily budding.
Since you are acclimated to the smell of your environment, and to weed, you could very well be putting out odors that are detectable by others. The acid test would be to bring over your MoM and see if she smells it. :)

Seriously, if it smells in your house, then it smells in your attic. If it is ventilated out the attic, then it has to go somewhere outside. Maybe you have favorable wind conditions or dumbass neighbors or live near a hay farm where everything smells but don't kid yourself, it smells.


Well-Known Member
Mate i still have people calling round all the time. My mother went to the bathroom which is next to the room with my grow in it and she didnt smell anything. She doesnt know im growing at my house. The reason it doesnt smell around my house is because of negative pressure.

I wouldnt say it doesnt smell if it does.

I live in a hilled area and i only have neighbours on one side My grow is on the opposite side of the house. So you might be right i may well be lucky that it is dispersing out the attic and not around the house. But like i said it aint smelling i cant explain it myself either but hey its working at the moment. I do get alot of wind here too!



Well, I just picked up all my pieces/parts for a DIY carbon filter so now I shouldn't have any concerns with it now. I'm kinda out in the sticks and don't have any real close neighbors - closest is approx 500 yards (I have 3 acres). That neighbor however is the mayor/police chief/fire chief/and does some kind of work for the utility company (yeah, small town), so I just wanna be kinda careful about what odors might be wafting outa my house. :)


Well-Known Member
Since you are acclimated to the smell of your environment, and to weed, you could very well be putting out odors that are detectable by others. The acid test would be to bring over your MoM and see if she smells it. :)

Seriously, if it smells in your house, then it smells in your attic. If it is ventilated out the attic, then it has to go somewhere outside. Maybe you have favorable wind conditions or dumbass neighbors or live near a hay farm where everything smells but don't kid yourself, it smells.
Exactly. People who grow *do* become used to even the slightest smell, but others (neighbors, parents, UPS driver) show up and sniff... "Is there a skunk nearby?" You are best off with negative pressure in the growroom of course as this helps to prevent odors from wafting throughout the house. A GOOD carbon scrubber is also essential. Keep in mind that venting into an attic is not a good idea, as the humidity level from your growroom will be higher than that of the other areas of your house. By venting into the attic, this moisture builds up and can cause mold or even roof rot. Same reason why building code says that bathroom fans cannot vent into the attic and should be discharged outside. Makes sense, if you think about it.
I didn't really see wattage specs for the room so I don't really know how much cooling power you actually require, but I would consider running a small air conditioner and supplementing Co2 with a yeast fed reactor.


I didn't really see wattage specs for the room so I don't really know how much cooling power you actually require, but I would consider running a small air conditioner and supplementing Co2 with a yeast fed reactor.
I'm using CFLs this time around so I'm not too worried about much heat from the bulbs. Our central air is broke so I'm just contending with mostly outside heat right now. With no fans running in that room and with the closet door shut, temps can easily rise to over 90 degrees. I've since added a window A/C unit in the room, leave the closet door cracked, and with 3 oscillating fans in there I've gotten the temps. down to the high 70s/low 80s.

I was planning on using a 8" duct booster fan and according to their website my location is supposed to carry them but, like everything else, they don't. I did find a 70cfm bathroom exhaust fan for $8 so that's going to be my band-aid till I order a nice fan (probably vortex) next week. Added bonus, I needed a new exhaust fan for my bathroom so no money lost.

I was able to poke my head into the attic (mostly to make sure I wasn't going to cut any wires in the rafters) and there are a bunch of vents in the attic. There is a large (~2'x3') vent within 6 feet of where I'm exhausting from the closet and about 2' away is a vent that looks to be from the septic. If I can figure out a way to actually get into the attic I'm going to either run a duct to the attic vent or put a T in the septic vent and go that route.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Maguyver and Nutsack are giving you good advise.
Even though your neighbors are far away, somebody comes to read the meter don't they? Do you know if his brother is a cop? Hell, in your case, he's the fuckin Chief of Police!! My house is an eighth of a mile from the road, but the meter is right outside the basement window. I use a massive filter and noise control. Better safe than sorry.
Humid grow room air in the attic can easily cause mold problems. Attach to one of the through vents. One caveat: to the eye in the sky this looks like a smoke stack going full blast. FLIR doesn't work during the day. So obviously your lights should. The choppers are out here in the sticks constantly.
Another reason to vent through, snow. If your house has no snow on the roof and everyone else does, can you say Red Flag?
Just some things to think about. When you're a grower, paranoia is a good thing!