Verizon Wireless


Well-Known Member
i paid $2500 for my car and now need to have someone install a part for me that has a hole in it and the part cost about $600 alone . more fun ;)
Canada has money because the US imports more oil from Canada then we do from Saudi Arabia. If the US actually tapped our own resources to the extent Canada taps theirs we would be much better off financially.

And that's not a dig saying Canada would be screwed without the US. I'm sure they would simply sell that oil to China. BUT... Canada also SAVES a butt-load of money on defense because we have their back. Yes, Canada can surely pull their weight, but they also don't have to worry about China steamrolling into town to take their oil while the US is still a Superpower.


Well-Known Member
god damn, I just paid 28k a year ago for my car.

I have had tmobile, verizon, and currently sprint. Verizon has the best coverage, but I love my 4g data speeds on my evo 3d.. too bad I'm paying 100 every month after all the extra premium charges and bullshit..


Well-Known Member
Ive had verizon forever! You may pay higher but quality is better

Cant complain bout verizon.
I've never had a problem with verizon except that my bill is over 100 a month. MetroPCS offers the same service for 40 a month! I keep my mouth shut and pay the extra 60 dollars because I like to have service everywhere I go! From tiny little remote beaches to almost 10500 feet up Mt. Rainier! Verizon is for people that like service not people worried about saving a buck or 60!


Well-Known Member
Any body try cellcom? I have Verizon now and agree, it sucks.
What sucks besides the bill? Better reception than any other cell service, The great customer service and stores everywhere? I've been everywhere with my verizon phone and all my buddies lose service before I'm even down a couple bars!


Well-Known Member
Verizon Wireless fucking sucks. i need a new phone now.:blsmoke::blsmoke:
You said it brother, I just recently went into a 2 yer contract I may pay to get out of because the price is WAY too high and the service WAY too shitty. fastest 4g, on another note I do get over 5 mb transfer rate on my phone at times.


Well-Known Member
What sucks besides the bill? Better reception than any other cell service, The great customer service and stores everywhere? I've been everywhere with my verizon phone and all my buddies lose service before I'm even down a couple bars!
I keep having the network connection drop, phones still on but no data, I could blame it on htc I suppose but I don't think its the phone.


Well-Known Member
Verizon Wireless fucking sucks. i need a new phone now.:blsmoke::blsmoke:
Verizon is the best, at least in our area... I don't think I've ever had less than 4 bars.

my phone broke and they even let me upgrade 5 months early. I was impress with their customer service. (At least based on what I have experienced)


Well-Known Member
Verizon is the best, at least in our area... I don't think I've ever had less than 4 bars.

my phone broke and they even let me upgrade 5 months early. I was impress with their customer service. (At least based on what I have experienced)
Lucky SOAB :lol: :)