leave the eggs...they will hatch if the soil isn't already saturated with worms. if it is saturated, start another bin
Homemade EWC is probably one of the best amendments you can have, period. Actually, I wouldn't even consider it an amendment - I would consider it a necessary component to any soil. The benefits are endless...
Quality humus = quality flowers. Heres a quick quote from my man CC:
"Humic substances and clay will hold ions where they can be exchanged with other cations for uptake by the roots.
That's how humic substances and clay play the role that they do in maintaining the pH (too many free Hydrogen ions without a home to land at)
That's what it always comes down to - quality humus.
Trying to amend one's way to a successful garden is basically an attempt to apply the concepts of hydroponics to soil."
You're on the right track...