)vernight DEATH?!?!? 1 plant died among 20+sisters

How you going to over water and drown a plant in 50/50 coco perlite?

Have you even grown a plant before?

Please stick to bouncing mars balls off your chin and not giving advice on growing.

Wtf y u gonna be a dick?? Looking for advice. Not giving it....
And obviously nit my 1st grow. First in coco tho
Appreciate the comments. Ya iunno
Its a new medium im using. Usually mix my own and this thing i got premix.

Its definetly from overwatering tho, but why its only 1 outta 20+, and why so sudden, i think will be a mystery.
Just pulled up the root ball, the roots looked ok (not great, but not slimy) and no smell
But can tell 100% that she got overwatered.
Just don't know how.... It's 5gal fabric pots w.50/50 coco/perlite mix.
And the 20 other plants that are getting the same amount of water (and everything else) are doing just fine. Iunno...
But like i mentioned, the pots were pretty dmn heavy with water, if it was my usual peat mix i would've worried, but I thought coco was a little different and you want a lot of water running thru there...

So I've let everything sit for a day (no watering for 24hr) and the pots are about 2/3-1/2 as heavy, definetly dried out a bit

Any suggestions on how to water coco from here out?
Thinking i will water 1x/day, in the morning, until+/-10% runoff. Then let dry for 24hrs. That will be about 1 gal per pot (what i was doing when this one died is 1L 3x/day, so about the same amount of h2o, but spread out). I think this strategy will provide nutes and give enough time in between to dry...
We'll see. Keep u posted
I feed every other day with coco no perlite till run off everytime seems to work great every grow
I feed every other day with coco no perlite till run off everytime seems to work great every grow

So you use 100% coco coir? Any amendments like EWC or compost? How big are the pots and how big do you let them get before flowering?

Watering every other day seems reasonable to me (that was the schedule for my 5gal peat moss super soil pots, maybe even every 3rd day), I was surprised how often some people water their coco pots, but that must be for small pots/big plants (guessing like 2gal pot with a 3ft plant)...

Also surprised that people do 100% coco coir
So you use 100% coco coir? Any amendments like EWC or compost? How big are the pots and how big do you let them get before flowering?

Watering every other day seems reasonable to me (that was the schedule for my 5gal peat moss super soil pots, maybe even every 3rd day), I was surprised how often some people water their coco pots, but that must be for small pots/big plants (guessing like 2gal pot with a 3ft plant)...

Also surprised that people do 100% coco coir
3 gallon pots vegged to 14 to 18 inches fed nutes everyother day right from the beginning nothing mixed in with coco this is what works for me check out the book coco for cannabis really helped me out in the beginning with coco cheers
Holy shit my dude those r some THICC colas!
Looks like 5gal pots, top free drip, drain to waste? When you feed, it's only a certain amount, not until runoff, correct?
Ya those look like some special plants.
Only thing i worry about when it looks like that is bud rot hidden inside huge buds.

Thanks for the input, def check it out

Did a little more reading on overwatering coco, seems like a lot of people say it's near impossible to over water a mix like mine. But also found plenty of people posting that were growing in coco, over watered, and killed their plants; the only difference being their's died slowly and mine went down overnight
Still mindblown how utterly complete the devastation was. Plant is green, perky, and growing great, lights turn off, lights turn on, all leaves dropping and no chance of recovery

Mustve been cannabis AIDS. CannAIDS if you will...
Hopefully i only lose 1 to this scourge.... Lol
Growing in 50/50 coco/perlite mix including compost. Day temp 80, night temp 70s, 1200 CO2ppm, Combo of CDL and LED lights about 2ft from canopy
have been vegging 3wks after being transplanted from 1/2g to 5gal fabric pots. just about to flip to flower
tap water is 5satage filtered, still start with 350ppm.... water with around 1100ppm AN base, humic, kelp, silica
about 25 ladies have been growing fine (to great lol) for weeks.
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this morning found 1 completely dead; wilting, leaves drooping & pointing straight down
unfortunate and sad
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she was looking great, showed minor nitrogen deficiency but nothing alarming, yet died overnight (Sunday fine, Monday dead, literally overnight.....)
Its top feed drip, tubes are clear, shes getting water, can def tell by pot weight shes drinking plenty (soil is well saturated).
Only guess would be over-watering
Although, Ive heard that coco is extremely hard to over-water. its a 5gal pot and Ive been watering daily until 10%runoff. This is my first go with all coco (before has been mostly peat moss with a little, 10%, coco).
The pots definitely don't dry out, before id wait for the top inch or 2 be dry before water (worked out to be 1x watering every other day). All of the pots seem heavy, like they could use some more drying out, but most info Ive read says to water coco 3-4x per day?! so iunno; but over-watering is my only guess
also fed EWC AACT the day before, Saturday; but it was also ph'ed at around 6, and every plant got it, so dunno why it would effect only one....
anybody care to give their 2 cents?

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100% the roots have drowned, overwatered no doubt.
Pull the plant out and confirm by inspecting and smelling what was the root ball
just go ahead and sniff at the rootball. People here can't help if you won't comply giving out additional information. It's also relevant if you grow mineralic or organic. For example in compost there's literarily millions of different micriobiota int here, but some of them don't like living under water. Those that like such a milieu - anaerobe ones - if they get the upper hand in your substrate they'll release toxins which your plant will suck in and die swiftly. They smell like sulphur - like a toilette.
Now if there's a guy that feeds mineralic plus added H2O2 - that would be an entire different setup.
just go ahead and sniff at the rootball. People here can't help if you won't comply giving out additional information. It's also relevant if you grow mineralic or organic. For example in compost there's literarily millions of different micriobiota int here, but some of them don't like living under water. Those that like such a milieu - anaerobe ones - if they get the upper hand in your substrate they'll release toxins which your plant will suck in and die swiftly. They smell like sulphur - like a toilette.
Now if there's a guy that feeds mineralic plus added H2O2 - that would be an entire different setup.
Hi Kassiopeija!
I don't know what the problem is.
I keep wondering if it could be fusarium wilt or verticillium wilt.
I've never had it and do not know if it would only affect one plant like that leaving the rest healthy.
Holy shit my dude those r some THICC colas!
Looks like 5gal pots, top free drip, drain to waste? When you feed, it's only a certain amount, not until runoff, correct?
Ya those look like some special plants.
Only thing i worry about when it looks like that is bud rot hidden inside huge buds.

Thanks for the input, def check it out

Did a little more reading on overwatering coco, seems like a lot of people say it's near impossible to over water a mix like mine. But also found plenty of people posting that were growing in coco, over watered, and killed their plants; the only difference being their's died slowly and mine went down overnight
Still mindblown how utterly complete the devastation was. Plant is green, perky, and growing great, lights turn off, lights turn on, all leaves dropping and no chance of recovery

Mustve been cannabis AIDS. CannAIDS if you will...
Hopefully i only lose 1 to this scourge.... Lol

3 gallon bags, top feed,drain to waste and yes i always feed with run off I’m doing 6 1 minuet feeds per day. I never worry about bud rot as I don’t have enough humidity for it 3/4 of the year.