Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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In Anchorage Alaska they actually do. Last year 8 were killed in the city. That's brown bears. The ones everyone is afraid of. No idea how many black bears bought it inside the city.
To be honest, I've only seen a bear at the zoo. My father is a hunter, in our area there are only ducks, foxes, wild boars, hares, wolves. Bears are not found even in the densest forests. This is in Siberia, there are wild places, there to meet a bear is a common thing. Yes, Siberia is very similar to Alaska.

Thank you for such an informative thread.
Thank you too for visiting us!
Do you like dakhabrakha? I think they're one of the best representatives of the Ukrainians.
Bro, it is very difficult for me to judge whether they are the best or not, because I am not familiar with this collective. I first heard about him from you. Apparently, this is from the category of pop music.

As for the best, I would single out such compositions by Ukrainian musicians from the best. You can count such musicians on your fingers.

Check the drummer in her break. She's badass.
I am not a particular connoisseur of Ukrainian or Russian folklore. Here I see only the motives of Ukrainian culture, for the most part distorted motives. I thought that this is not a Ukrainian team, from some Ukrainian diaspora in Canada, but then I googled and saw that they were from Kiev. I was surprised a little, because their clothes remind very vaguely of Ukrainian national clothes. These hats are intentionally comical, real hats looked like this

women did not wear such hats.

Bro, I love music, but I cannot judge this collective, especially when the mockery of Ukrainian culture begins in order to earn money! I tried to understand what they were singing ... I don’t understand women at all, when they sing in chorus, and the man repeats all the time about how the woman went to the village to get herself a lot of firewood. I thought for a long time what this means .. Does it make sense ... Where did she come from for firewood?)) And why should she get firewood in the village?)))) Then I understand .. that this is a copy of a Ukrainian folk song, where a woman carries water with a yoke, and a guy in love follows her. Instead of helping her, he declares his love for her. I understand this joke. But here .. I don’t understand it!

Bro, if I want to listen to a beat, I'd rather listen to The Chemical Brothers, The Crystal Method, The Prodigy.)) A potpourri of Ukrainian folklore in the form of club music, in the form of a costumed theatrical performance, I'm somehow not used to hearing.))

Bro, I'm even a little ashamed that this is the best of Ukrainian.)))
This performer also based his compositions on the basis of Ukrainian folk. He gained popularity in Europe, especially in France

This song was also recognized in Europe, received some awards .. the first Ukrainian song that was released on MTV.

This arrangement is better)))

Only where we are not, there is no winter, only where we are not, living water flows. Tell me why I can’t forget what is not. Tell me why I can’t forget that winter is around.

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