Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Work with trimming is over! This time the process took a lot longer than in the past, which says that we are growing up!!


Also, I want to say that I bought the profile, in the near future, expect an epic called "SDU Pegas M"

to be continued....

Is that a strain from the Ukraine? Very Ruderalis looking plant. Have you been cross breeding these strains. I have read that the Ruderalis is a low THC species from Central and Eastern Europe, and Russia. They say it is debated as to whether it is a related to a sativa or indica.
Them ladies look very plump.
Is that a strain from the Ukraine? Very Ruderalis looking plant. Have you been cross breeding these strains. I have read that the Ruderalis is a low THC species from Central and Eastern Europe, and Russia. They say it is debated as to whether it is a related to a sativa or indica.
Them ladies look very plump.

Good afternoon, Mr. GR!

No, it is a hybrid of India and Uzbekistan (Chu Valley).

Who can tie the work of breeders to the location?

I repeat to you, Friends !! In central Europe, in Eastern Europe has never germinated cannabis for the purpose of ingestion. It was used solely for the production of fabric and ropes for seafarers.

Our climate, for the most part, is not suitable for ripening an overwhelming number of varieties. All the main landraces are in the Asian part of Russia (the former USSR), it is closer to Pakistan, Afghanistan .... There THC ... low? .....)))))))

Chu Valley


But this is not Europe, Bro .. ))). In Europe, only scientists live, who invest money, find, and then cross successfully!

A ray of the golden sun

A ray of the golden sun
Is hidden behind a mantle of clouds.
And again between us there is a wall
That has suddenly raised.

The night will go away, a bright morning will come,
I believe happiness awaits us.
The night will go away, a bright morning will come,
The sun will rise ... The sun will rise.

The birds stopped singing.
The starlight touched the roofs.
Through blizzards and sadness
You hear my voice!

The night will go away, a bright morning will come,
I believe happiness awaits us.
The night will go away, a bright morning will come,
The sun will rise ... The sun will rise ......

You see................ Elvis)))

A cartoon based on the famous German storytellers of the Grimm Brothers "Bremen Town Musicians" 1969 СССР. Later, vinyl was released with songs from this musical. This vinyl is sold out with a circulation of 28 million .... Golden disc)))))


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The worlds media is obsessed with Nazis and what they did. yet they tend to forget about the NKVD and the systematic attempted genocide of the forced starvation of millions I'm the Ukraine just before WW2...Russia is a huge country and Stalin made Hitler look almost humane...then there was Mao...but what is disgusting is what I am seeing in the modern liberal socialist marches that are frequently violent and so anti speech that they to be could be considered right wing..and they fly the soviet flag...
Yeah, but let's be brutally honest here: who owns the world's mass media outlets that shove this shit down our throats? Why, Jews of course!
Some are Jewish. Many more aren't. They're (almost) all rich and don't care about anyone's agenda but their own.

But spewing anti-Semitic hate shit is inaccurate, incorrect, distracting and bigoted.
Just a curious observation of zionist influence in american media and politics, not trying to be "anti-Semitic" or anything else.. No, you're more correct to put it that way.... sorry for stirring up those waters...
Hello, friends!

According to our faith, Christmas is today.)) A small inaccuracy, but not critical, over 2000 years, is not an amazing mistake. ))

Merry Christmas, lady and gentlemen!

Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi!


To begin with, Jesus was a Jew! Now I will express my opinion on this issue:

Jews are an exceptional people with amazing thinking and contradictory character. In my opinion, if there were no Jews in Russia, then all of us would have fun all the time, drinking vodka and fighting. There would be no progress. Let's not lie to ourselves, among the greatest and most ingenious minds of the planet 80% Jews. But the other side of the character of this people is very unpleasant and dark, from which, in addition to envy, they have suffered humiliation and disgrace for thousands of years. We will not talk about this !! That is why I respect with all my heart such people as Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Lev Landau, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Sergey Davlatov, Vladimir Vysotsky. I wish that such as they Jews were as much as possible in the world !!
Building a spaceship? :clap:

"What, unless biological science is a mass of errors, is the cause of human intelligence and vigour? Hardship and freedom: conditions under which the active, strong, and subtle survive and the weaker go to the wall; conditions that put a premium upon the loyal alliance of capable men, upon self-restraint, patience, and decision."

H.G. Wells, The Time Machine


This is not a spaceship, it's a time machine. Do you want to look into the future? If yes, then join us!

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