Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Thank you for understanding. The idea of official persecution is much less familiar to Americans than it is to citizens of your country.
Yes, Bro, it is obvious, it is an axiom.)) The government intends to put us in this position, when everyone violates the law ... take it, he breaks it, because it is impossible to live for wages. At any job, a person first of all thinks not about salary, but how to steal or deceive someone at work or in business. Nobody pays taxes, because you will immediately be bankrupt.

In the meantime, the government, using the power and authority, according to the laws they wrote, does not comply with the legality .. no!, The power of genteurs and gets bribes in his pocket, hiding behind the letter of the law. If you have money and you are caught in something, then pay, if not, then go to jail or beg. So it turns out that those who have no money, he is in prison, and who is honest and decent, then a beggar!

And people with money are the most immoral people, in addition, breaking the law at every step with impunity! They are allowed everything !!!!

But there is a positive point in our system))) - if you have $ 10,000 in your pocket, then you can pay off almost any crime you have committed, even murder (If this is not the assassination of John F. Kennedy, of course).

It turns out this way: if you have $ 10,000, then you are an a priori HONEST person !!)))) That's such an absurdity.))))

In the US, things are a little different. The government is not looking for money in the same way, but if the system is grabbed by someone, money, even 100,000, will not help, you will sit long and tediously, like Mandella.

We have a maximum term of 15 years. For a serious crime - for life. Death Penalty Marator.

But if you think about it ... 10 000 and 15 years of life, you will understand how miserable and slavish our life is in essence.

Good quality equipment is always essential to success.

)) So I’m looking at the banners at the top, lately, mostly quality LED .. probably they also understood this)))

My suggestion is simply to ensure that you don't push your temperatures too low while using LED. My best results came when my air temperatures were about 30 degrees Celsius.
Bro, I have a slightly different way: in a compressed space, the ground temperature plays a big role.
in confirmation of my words above: in Russia, when a feast it is customary to say such a toast: "I wish you had everything, and you were not punished for it!" This is serious, they say this toast at any level - true)))

notes of the Russian mentality are displayed in folklore, and sayings are folklore ..
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My suggestion is simply to ensure that you don't push your temperatures too low while using LED. My best results came when my air temperatures were about 30 degrees Celsius.

I've noticed that the higher the temps the faster (prematurely?) they want to finish.
My biggest problem in the cramped space is poor circulation and I'm noticing that in "hot corner" pistils start to get amber pistils , while in "cold corner" they are still white. Not only that but "cold corner" look like its bulking upumore. I think its strain dependent. Some like it warmer, some not so much.
I have to agree tho that due to lack of IR from LED light, temps have to be brought up higher.
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I have been busy bring persecuted by the state for engaging in activity officially legal but contrary to the approval of those in power.

You may forget that I told you about the superiority of LED lighting several years ago. I'm glad to see you using modern equipment. My suggestion is to be sure that the growing area remains warm for best growth performance.
Don't they still have no definition about your case ?
that long.........? wtf.
I've noticed that the higher the temps the faster (prematurely?) they want to finish.
My biggest problem in the cramped space is poor circulation and I'm noticing that in "hot corner" pistils start to get amber pistils , while in "cold corner" they are still white. Not only that but "cold corner" look like its bulking upumore. I think its strain dependent. Some like it warmer, some not so much.
I have to agree tho that due to lack of IR from LED light, temps have to be brought up higher.
That's a strong indicator you need better air circulation.
If you mean disposition, yes it's done.
We have a presidential election in the spring. I was surprised a little, ordinary people have guessed what it really is. Rumors spread that Poroshenko was beneficial for America, and America would not allow anyone else to come to power. This is not I say; these are ordinary Ukrainians speaking on the Internet. Imagine how Russia will understand this.))))) All analysts say that the only way for Ukraine to get out of the crisis is to make peace with Russia and admit defeat. More specifically, this is a change of power.

That's how it is with us, Bro! For some reason it seems to me that if this is the case, then the furious insurgents of the DPR will attack again.

You see, my friend, not you alone, pursuing the US government.

And that recently performed President Poroshenko. I call it aerobatics.))) He intends to send a merchant ship with a Ukrainian flag to the Kerch Strait. He seemed to think that this was still Ukrainian territory. But Russian border guards did not think so, and tore the ship apart, there were victims. What makes Poroshenko further: he introduces martial law in the country. Under Ukrainian law, under martial law, elections are impossible. The whole Internet is buzzing with a discussion of this vile act of the president, in relation to the people, and here, it turns out, he will still remain for a second term. ABSURD!!!
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That's a work of art.
This is St. Petersburg, Bro. This city has to creativity. This is the cultural center of Russia.

............ a sea of flowers, good winds my friend, beautiful work!
Thank you, Amigo!!

only the one who walks will master the way, no matter how difficult it is, the Russians say.

Sitting grief is not in my rules!)))

Soon there will be a holiday on our street, as the Russians say. Or .. if we live, we will not die.)))
Maybe we will meet sometime!
I've noticed that the higher the temps the faster (prematurely?) they want to finish.
My biggest problem in the cramped space is poor circulation and I'm noticing that in "hot corner" pistils start to get amber pistils , while in "cold corner" they are still white. Not only that but "cold corner" look like its bulking upumore. I think its strain dependent. Some like it warmer, some not so much.
I have to agree tho that due to lack of IR from LED light, temps have to be brought up higher.
For me, the temperature in the installation is very important. After I launched the air conditioner in the installation, I immediately realized that it was the cold that increased the quality of the product, its strength. You probably heard about the technique, when before the harvest, the plant must be exposed to low temperatures. The bush turns violet, and the trichomes amber. The strength of the product increases markedly.

I had a theory in my head that I want to test in practice. I want to periodically expose the bush to cold +15 Celsius, throughout the entire cycle. It should be a short race, no more than 12 hours every week, from 27 to 15 degrees Celsius.

I have already tried to do this several times on the vega, the plants immediately become very sticky. Clearly, from stress, the plant throws tar out. I'm just afraid now to continue the experiment on flowering, because it is easy to cross the line, what I need now is the least !! But it seems to me that this technique, that it will work. It's a question of time..

Now we are not talking about the size of the buds, but about the quality and strength of the product itself.
That's a strong indicator you need better air circulation.

That's what I've said :lol::p

For me, the temperature in the installation is very important. After I launched the air conditioner in the installation, I immediately realized that it was the cold that increased the quality of the product, its strength. You probably heard about the technique, when before the harvest, the plant must be exposed to low temperatures. The bush turns violet, and the trichomes amber. The strength of the product increases markedly.

I had a theory in my head that I want to test in practice. I want to periodically expose the bush to cold +15 Celsius, throughout the entire cycle. It should be a short race, no more than 12 hours every week, from 27 to 15 degrees Celsius.

I have already tried to do this several times on the vega, the plants immediately become very sticky. Clearly, from stress, the plant throws tar out. I'm just afraid now to continue the experiment on flowering, because it is easy to cross the line, what I need now is the least !! But it seems to me that this technique, that it will work. It's a question of time..

Now we are not talking about the size of the buds, but about the quality and strength of the product itself.

Sure it does make them purple. I have coldctemps at night sometimes in winter time, close to 16°C and I havent noticed any better quality itself (not saying its not there) but defo noticed slower metabosism. One thing You have to keep in mind is a dew point. If You start chilling Your plants for longer, imidiate after they are warm, You might run into some problems with bud rot.
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Sure it does make them purple. I have coldctemps at night sometimes in winter time, close to 16°C and I havent noticed any better quality itself (not saying its not there) but defo noticed slower metabosism. One thing You have to keep in mind is a dew point. If You start chilling Your plants for longer, imidiate after they are warm, You might run into some problems with bud rot.

No, not quite, Bro! We have a lot of people put the plants in the cold before the harvest, and this really improves the quality, we think. But when the plant becomes purple, it definitely has a negative effect on growth, not only rots, but also dries. This is done with water after the final strait with water in the final, for three days, when the plant no longer needs growth, it dies! If you look at the microscope, then the trichomes from the muddy, become amber after that.

This is a very low temperature of +16 at night during growth, you're right. It should not be allowed to violet, when the plant is actively developing, this is excessive stress. I'm talking about during growth, periodically (1 time per week or 1 time per two weeks). Expose plants to similar stress, not bringing it to violet. For 12 hours or less, it will not turn purple, but, on the other hand, it will throw out tar that we smoke is a plant's protective reflex to this kind of stress. This is a natural process, in nature it occurs at the end, when in the autumn at night, the temperature is low.

PS: I repeat that this is just my theory based on my own experience. Naturally, I could be wrong!))) I have a friend, he lives in Greece, he is very picky, everything is not enough for him. Now he is testing this technology in practice, because he doesn’t like all the varieties that he has tried from around the world .. weak!))) That we just didn’t try it doesn’t help anything.))) Very soon he will take out his verdict about my theory!))))
a little more time has passed
I apologize for the quality of the photo, it is very inconvenient, it glares, and the camera is not first freshness.))

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to be continued...
it just getting better and better, sugar coated. Beautiful craft. How long until you harvest ?
it just getting better and better, sugar coated. Beautiful craft. How long until you harvest ?
Hi, Amigo!

Sorry for not answering for a long time, I was very busy!

Yes, this time when I adjusted the microclimate in the plant, the plants develop more than ever, perfectly. Harvest plan to shoot in late March-early April.
Hi, Amigo!

Sorry for not answering for a long time, I was very busy!

Yes, this time when I adjusted the microclimate in the plant, the plants develop more than ever, perfectly. Harvest plan to shoot in late March-early April.
This is strange to me. My blooming season ran only 8 to 9 weeks.
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