Well-Known Member
Yes, Bro, it is obvious, it is an axiom.)) The government intends to put us in this position, when everyone violates the law ... take it, he breaks it, because it is impossible to live for wages. At any job, a person first of all thinks not about salary, but how to steal or deceive someone at work or in business. Nobody pays taxes, because you will immediately be bankrupt.Thank you for understanding. The idea of official persecution is much less familiar to Americans than it is to citizens of your country.
In the meantime, the government, using the power and authority, according to the laws they wrote, does not comply with the legality .. no!, The power of genteurs and gets bribes in his pocket, hiding behind the letter of the law. If you have money and you are caught in something, then pay, if not, then go to jail or beg. So it turns out that those who have no money, he is in prison, and who is honest and decent, then a beggar!
And people with money are the most immoral people, in addition, breaking the law at every step with impunity! They are allowed everything !!!!
But there is a positive point in our system))) - if you have $ 10,000 in your pocket, then you can pay off almost any crime you have committed, even murder (If this is not the assassination of John F. Kennedy, of course).
It turns out this way: if you have $ 10,000, then you are an a priori HONEST person !!)))) That's such an absurdity.))))
In the US, things are a little different. The government is not looking for money in the same way, but if the system is grabbed by someone, money, even 100,000, will not help, you will sit long and tediously, like Mandella.
We have a maximum term of 15 years. For a serious crime - for life. Death Penalty Marator.
But if you think about it ... 10 000 and 15 years of life, you will understand how miserable and slavish our life is in essence.
Good quality equipment is always essential to success.
)) So I’m looking at the banners at the top, lately, mostly quality LED .. probably they also understood this)))
Bro, I have a slightly different way: in a compressed space, the ground temperature plays a big role.My suggestion is simply to ensure that you don't push your temperatures too low while using LED. My best results came when my air temperatures were about 30 degrees Celsius.