Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Beware of children playing with their Daddy's swords. Someone is going to get poked and when the blood starts flowing all hell will break loose.

Just because we've been lucky enough not to accidently start a nuclear war until now does not mean we've learned anything.

Putin says America is currently 'not agreement capable'. As an American, I agree with his assessment.

Like most bullies, America is very powerful but very fragile because we believe our own propaganda. We are incredibly dangerous to the stability of the world, to the future of humanity and of course to ourselves most of all. None are so blind as those who earn profits by not seeing.
I just really see how the Russian people in some kind of psychedelic euphoria from these parades))) The patriotic spirit has grown to unprecedented proportions in recent times. We call it “teasing the geese” .. especially when there are a lot of them.)))

PS: do you remember, only recently did you show me an armored car of special forces of the USA .. I was surprised.))) Now I look .. oops .. a on Red Square goes the same))), only in Russian.))).... as the Russians say: a bad example is contagious.
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There's a lot of wasted light in there right now.

You should grow the small plants in a different area. Then once they've grown to the right size, move them into your silo. I did this with great results. It improved my production over time dramatically.
Bro, I know .. made miscalculations .. but I was so tired that I gave this cycle to my wife ... he is short .. I will prepare myself more thoroughly for the settlement.


I want you to hear an objective opinion, an opinion from the other side ... then compare this with what you know from your side ..

... of the underground artists of those times. This is the song of a group from Kharkov, 90s. (long before making movies in the video)

I am running on the scorched earth
Slamming down the helmet underway
My "Phantom" as a white spread-eagled arrow
With the roar is climbing up

This blue distance is such peaceful
Even sorry to disturb.
What's a pity you don't see it,
My way is far and ain't ease
My F4 keeps rushing to the East

I'm making left turn
I'm rather an avenger than a pilot
Bending down to aim the weapon
Two missiles are heading to destination.
Making on another round.

I spot a line of white smoke in the sky
My F-4 starts losing altitude
To save life, I got ejected,
Straps got strained
My heart hangs low
And I'm breaking into a spin.

As soon I landed, right away
Wild yell came out of the bushes
Yellow-face Charlies are squealing there like squirrels
I fell down to the ground and froze.

Walking on the damned ground again
With no helmet on my head
Solders poke me in the ribs
By their guns from behind
My life got on the edge.

"Who was the pilot knocked me out?"
I asked one of VCs.
Charlie interrogated me answered:
"He was our pilot Lee Si Tsyn"

You are lying with no use
I clearly heard a transmission:
"Kolya, go! And I will strike 'em!"
"Vanya, hit 'em! I will cover!"
Russian ace Ivan shot down my plane.

Far away in my dear Texas
Mom and Dad wait for me to come home.
But my "Phantom" like a falling star
Crossed the fair blue sky.
I will never never see you again.

Information about who fought with the US Army in Vietnam, Russians know the guerrilla war perfectly, since the time of Napoleon Bonopart. It was all planned, so as not to show his face, as in us now in Donetsk.

1. McDonnell Douglas F-4 “Phantom” II - a multi-purpose fighter, interceptor fighter, third-generation ground support aircraft
2. Lee Si Tsin (or Lee Si Qing; 李 西 青) - a fictional ace who destroyed US fighters in the skies over China, Korea and Vietnam (during the Japan-China, Korean and Vietnamese wars), the hero of songs, anecdotes and army folklore.
3. The Soviet pilots who participated in the battles were dressed in the uniform of Chinese national volunteers, Chinese names such as Ci-Ni-Cyn or Li-C-Tsin were entered into the documents, and Korean insignia were used on MiGs. Such measures were taken so as not to cause condemnation of Soviet intervention in the affairs of Korea by the United Nations and the world community.
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Bro, I know .. made miscalculations .. but I was so tired that I gave this cycle to my wife ... he is short .. I will prepare myself more thoroughly for the settlement.


I want you to hear an objective opinion, an opinion from the other side ... then compare this with what you know from your side ..

... of the underground artists of those times. This is the song of a group from Kharkov, 90s. (long before making movies in the video)

I am running on the scorched earth
Slamming down the helmet underway
My "Phantom" as a white spread-eagled arrow
With the roar is climbing up

This blue distance is such peaceful
Even sorry to disturb.
What's a pity you don't see it,
My way is far and ain't ease
My F4 keeps rushing to the East

I'm making left turn
I'm rather an avenger than a pilot
Bending down to aim the weapon
Two missiles are heading to destination.
Making on another round.

I spot a line of white smoke in the sky
My F-4 starts losing altitude
To save life, I got ejected,
Straps got strained
My heart hangs low
And I'm breaking into a spin.

As soon I landed, right away
Wild yell came out of the bushes
Yellow-face Charlies are squealing there like squirrels
I fell down to the ground and froze.

Walking on the damned ground again
With no helmet on my head
Solders poke me in the ribs
By their guns from behind
My life got on the edge.

"Who was the pilot knocked me out?"
I asked one of VCs.
Charlie interrogated me answered:
"He was our pilot Lee Si Tsyn"

You are lying with no use
I clearly heard a transmission:
"Kolya, go! And I will strike 'em!"
"Vanya, hit 'em! I will cover!"
Russian ace Ivan shot down my plane.

Far away in my dear Texas
Mom and Dad wait for me to come home.
But my "Phantom" like a falling star
Crossed the fair blue sky.
I will never never see you again.

Information about who fought with the US Army in Vietnam, Russians know the guerrilla war perfectly, since the time of Napoleon Bonopart. It was all planned, so as not to show his face, as in us now in Donetsk.

1. McDonnell Douglas F-4 “Phantom” II - a multi-purpose fighter, interceptor fighter, third-generation ground support aircraft
2. Lee Si Tsin (or Lee Si Qing; 李 西 青) - a fictional ace who destroyed US fighters in the skies over China, Korea and Vietnam (during the Japan-China, Korean and Vietnamese wars), the hero of songs, anecdotes and army folklore.
3. The Soviet pilots who participated in the battles were dressed in the uniform of Chinese national volunteers, Chinese names such as Ci-Ni-Cyn or Li-C-Tsin were entered into the documents, and Korean insignia were used on MiGs. Such measures were taken so as not to cause condemnation of Soviet intervention in the affairs of Korea by the United Nations and the world community.
What part needs my commentary?
What part needs my commentary?

))))I have a constant problem - this is English.)) In English, you and you are one and the same .. Ie singular and plural in one word.)))) In Russian, when you address one person, this is the word "You", when, to several people, this is another word "you." ты; вы - Try to score in Google, see how it translates.))) Therefore, when sometimes I appeal to everyone, it seems that I appeal to one person. The first part of the post, I turned to you .. the second, to all.

if you want to address one person with respect, then you do not write "ты", but "Вы", only with a capital letter, then we understand that this is addressed to one person. You can not say, for example, to your boss or an elderly person “ты” - this is impolite, you need to contact “Вы”. “ты” is the treatment of loved ones, friends, or children — the familiar treatment.

When people only meet, they say to each other "Вы". If one of them suggests "let's move to "ты "", and the other agrees, this means that they have become friends.

If you tell your boss or an elderly person “ты” - this is perceived as an insult.
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Hello everyone below is the message to Sedan,personally,so i wrote in by my native language which is Russian.

Привет Седан,
Зарегистрировался,что бы написать тебе это сообщение.
Во первых,благодарю тебя,за твой труд,за твою работу,я для себя интересный момент с циркуляцией воздуха подметил,попросту не могу не написать.
Во вторых,всем тяжело.
Тяжело попросту существовать в этой ограниченной реальности подвёрнутой под мании и страхи.
Я из столицы эрэфии.
Поверь каждый день здесь происходит столько грязи,солей,гердоса,да гнева у людей в мозгах.
Однако на себя цепляя эти ноты ты попросту лишь провоцируешь сей страх.

Будь еще сильнее,сознательно,физически,интеллектуально прогрессируй.
Повсеместно предвноси светлое,своё,чистое не обременнёное грязью,вокруг себя,да неси это в окружение.
Однако и кури поменьше)
Стабильность сознания - ключ к силе.

Ты интересный,развивайся,не останавливайся.
А еще реальность гораздо интереснее чем кажется
))))I have a constant problem - this is English.)) In English, you and you are one and the same .. Ie singular and plural in one word.)))) In Russian, when you address one person, this is the word "You", when, to several people, this is another word "you." ты; вы - Try to score in Google, see how it translates.))) Therefore, when sometimes I appeal to everyone, it seems that I appeal to one person. The first part of the post, I turned to you .. the second, to all.

if you want to address one person with respect, then you do not write "ты", but "Вы", only with a capital letter, then we understand that this is addressed to one person. You can not say, for example, to your boss or an elderly person “ты” - this is impolite, you need to contact “Вы”. “ты” is the treatment of loved ones, friends, or children — the familiar treatment.

When people only meet, they say to each other "Вы". If one of them suggests "let's move to "ты "", and the other agrees, this means that they have become friends.

If you tell your boss or an elderly person “ты” - this is perceived as an insult.
Thank you for helping me to understand.

May language never be a barrier to friendship.
Привет Седан,
Зарегистрировался,что бы написать тебе это сообщение.
Во первых,благодарю тебя,за твой труд,за твою работу,я для себя интересный момент с циркуляцией воздуха подметил,попросту не могу не написать.
Во вторых,всем тяжело.
Тяжело попросту существовать в этой ограниченной реальности подвёрнутой под мании и страхи.
Я из столицы эрэфии.
Поверь каждый день здесь происходит столько грязи,солей,гердоса,да гнева у людей в мозгах.
Однако на себя цепляя эти ноты ты попросту лишь провоцируешь сей страх.

Будь еще сильнее,сознательно,физически,интеллектуально прогрессируй.
Повсеместно предвноси светлое,своё,чистое не обременнёное грязью,вокруг себя,да неси это в окружение.
Однако и кури поменьше)
Стабильность сознания - ключ к силе.

Ты интересный,развивайся,не останавливайся.
А еще реальность гораздо интереснее чем кажется

Добрый день!

Очень интересные мысли, в Вас угадывается философский склад ума и жизненный опыт.

Спасибо за добрые слова!

Однако, крайне сложно найти черную кошку в черной комнате, особенно, когда тебя там нет.))) Я бы с огромной радостью нес людям позитив и счастье.., но, к сожалению, в моей жизни его настолько мало.. можно сказать, что его практически нет!! Единственное, что мне сейчас греет душу- это то, чем я заболел, и то, чем я живу в последнее время.. А это именно то, что я и пытаюсь донести в полном объеме. Ведь не могу же я отображать только положительное в моей жизни (растения).. это же не будет объективно с моей точки зрения..

Если бы никто не говорил правду, то весь мир был бы окончательно обманут. ИМХО

С Уважением...

ПС: пришлось гуглить эрэфию, так сразу и не понял.. не знал я этой аббревиатуры.))).. Больше на восточное что-то смахивает, если так сразу... думал Тель-Авив))), а где еще русские могут быть на востоке)))

Thank you for helping me to understand.

May language never be a barrier to friendship.
I think that for any person, because of the “iron curtain”, it would be interesting what the Russians really are. Without hypocrisy or masks. What are they in everyday life, what kind of people are they.))) I know that many in the US are avoiding Russians when they meet, they are afraid of something .. In fact, these are stereotypes caused mostly by propaganda .. In Russia or The USSR, the same situation, all of us were divided into good and bad, not giving a choice, to determine it ourselves !!!
I just stumbled across this in my digital travels and it made me think think of you, tovarisch!

How often do I see Russian punk rock videos? Never unless it's you posting them so it must mean something!

I do hope all is proceeding according to plan!
I am really very amazed that you are so deeply imbued with Russian culture, my Friend !! The group "Гражданская оборона" Civil Defense is one of the clearest examples of the Russian underground era of "perestroyka". You see how much pain is expressed in this text. I think that Russian poetry is the most intense, because not a single cultural nation has endured so much grief and deprivation, like the Russians, for all the time. And as they say "To create masterpieces, the artist must be hungry."
The only thing that I would correct in the text on video is not a Rebuilding, but Perestroyka.

Also, I was very surprised when I saw that the term Civil Defense was coined by the British! I was sure that this is a Soviet term! It turns out that Civil Defense was in other countries. Only when I read Wikipedia, I realized that even this term meant a little different in the USSR. Civil Defense, this is when at the beginning of the war, every civilian person, be it a child, a woman, or an old man automatically becomes soldiers, and to the best of his strength and capabilities help the regular army. We were taught from school to fight and defend. At the age of 14 I could already disassemble and assemble the AK74 (7.62 caliber) with my eyes closed. All the time we have been talking about what America is about to attack the USSR with the use of nuclear weapons. At school lessons, they showed us a film about Herosima and Nagasaki and the consequences of all this, more than half of my friends cried. We need to be ready to defend, and if necessary, give our life for the Motherland. Russian so brought up before.)))


Civil defense (civil defence in some varieties of English) or civil protection is an effort to protect the citizens of a state (generally non-combatants) from military attacks and natural disasters. It uses the principles of emergency operations: prevention, mitigation, preparation, response, or emergency evacuation and recovery. Programs of this sort were initially discussed at least as early as the 1920s and were implemented in some countries during the 1930s as the threat of war and aerial bombardment grew. It became widespread after the threat of nuclear weapons was realized.
Since the end of the Cold War, the focus of civil defence has largely shifted from military attack to emergencies and disasters in general. The new concept is described by a number of terms, each of which has its own specific shade of meaning, such as crisis management, emergency management, emergency preparedness, contingency planning, civil contingency, civil aid and civil protection.
In some countries, civil defense is seen as a key part of "total defense". For example, in Sweden, the Swedish word totalförsvar refers to the commitment of a wide range of resources of the nation to its defense—including to civil protection. Respectively, some countries (notably the Soviet Union) may have or have had military-organized civil defense units (Civil Defense Troops) as part of their armed forces or as a paramilitary service.
Chandelier in the mansion Yanukovych (former President of Ukraine)

4 million euros))))


Souvenir in the house of Yanukovych. Golden loaf of bread .. one-piece,real size)))

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I do hope all is proceeding according to plan!
you probably do not know, Bro, that the "план"..plan in Russian slang means marijuana .. there is a double subtext here))) ..

Bro, everything will be ОХУЕННО!!!!!

check translate google, it is also slang "охуенно"..... oops
.. I checked it myself .. translates wrong.)))
During the Second World War, civil defense played a key role. Guerrilla warfare is also part of Civil Defense.

Снимок1.PNG Снимок2.PNG Снимок3.PNG Снимок5.PNG

when the Germans came to the village, and they didn’t like something, they pounded all the villagers into a big hut or cattle stall, closed the door, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire alive. People tried to hide their children in a similar case. The children remained alive .. made their way to the Russian army or partisans ... Where to put them? They were credited with food allowances, they were given weapons, they carried out mostly simple tasks, but nonetheless helped the regular army. They were also assigned deviant or courier tasks, since no one will suspect a child.
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.....Now you Americans think it is not clear what.))) In the last post was a joke! These are not Civil Defense fighters)))) .. In the photo, children after the Stalingrad battle help to remove the weapons and ammunition remaining on the battlefield ... Only Rambo can be such an idiot seriously))))
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