you can’t imagine how the Russians are laughing at how frightened the American government is from a single Russian military ship. They sent a whole flotilla .. and this is one ship)))
You didn’t even understand that it was a check .. the check showed .. that the American army is not ready to fight with the Russians ...
Note that not the Russians started it again !!!! Do you understand what I am talking about!? COLD WAR !!!
Personally, I’m scared to live because tomorrow a bear will come to his mind .. why should I be afraid? There is a war in Ukraine - people are dying, protecting Ukraine from the Russians, it is not clear why ... If the Russians wanted, they would crush Ukraine like a cockroach in two days !!! I’m afraid that their patience will burst and again the war will come to my house !!!
who is to blame for this ?! who will be responsible for this later ?! Are you Americans ?! Have you ever seen a war, except on TV or Vietnam is not enough for you ?! Why are you pursuing such a barbaric policy ?! so that later people who defend their homeland are called "Red Plague !!" Shame and shame on you- AMERICANS !!
Don’t worry, the Russian propaganda has so far said that tired sailors wanted to relax and the ship just moored in Cuba to visit local attractions and relax on the Cuban beaches ...
do you know exactly how many nuclear warheads on that ship?))) don’t know?))) better not to know))))
if those tired sailors suddenly want to just perform a heroic feat, like in Stalingrad, how proud kamikaze .. and commit a suiside ... then for 19 miles all of Florida .. Chernobyl will seem like a firecracker!
You are very young to understand everything! However, I take off my hat for what you write from the heart! Thank you, it warms! Not everything is lost, if there are such youths ... my son does not understand me, he ... 20 .. and you understand ...I am polish,18 years old so I have never seen a war. But most of my family was involved in the Warsaw uprisings during world war 2, because of this they were taken to concentration camps, including my father, who was just 1 year old. I understand you concern for war in Ukraine.
I am polish.
I traveled Poland far and wide in the late 80s and early 90s .. Whoever read, I told earlier how our football coach took advantage of diplomatic immunity))) smuggled in the club bus .. we were also allowed a little.)) You're still young, but ask your parents .. here are those ragged people in markets trading from the land- it was one of us ... only I was then .. 13-14 years old .. I looked homeless then probably?)))) But it was visually .. we did not wear expensive clothes to trade in the markets .. but when we arrived home .. I dressed better than anyone at home in school ...)))))))))) Girls ran after me))))))))))) I was European))) even school teachers envied me .... for the fact that I I dress (literally) "Like a Dandy" .. so it wasn’t accepted in Soviet schools, everyone dressed the same way .. I had a lot of problems because of this ...
also, in addition to counterands, we traded with theft, in one market I stole Malvina jeans (ask your parents, they know this brand)))) ... as I remember, it was on my first trip .. I was very young.)) ) But I was so fascinated by the head of all this diversity ....)))))
also, in addition to counterands, we traded with theft, in one market I stole Malvina jeans (ask your parents, they know this brand)))) ... as I remember, it was on my first trip .. I was very young.)) ) But I was so fascinated by the head of all this diversity ....)))))
at that time a woman buyer pointed me, she saw ... he chased after me ... although I was a high-level athlete, but I was 13)))) .. he caught up with me)) .. I was all cringed, he was huge as a terminator .... I was scared that he would start to beat me .. but he grabbed me, raised me in his arms and said ... let me remember ... "Russian Kurva" .... he took jeans and left .. That's it, my son, we lived before .. and what was happening in the Warsaw ghetto .. it's indescribably scary !!! Watch the Hollywood movie "The Pianist", there about your parents!
))))) There was a whole story with jeans! You probably won’t find it already, but there was an American guy in this thread. At that time he lived and worked in Germany on the border with the GDR. He said that Jeans was the best seller through smuggling. The European Socialist bloc simply went crazy from these jeans. Because it was very comfortable, fashionable and practical clothes ... In the USSR, mostly jeans were delivered by American and other merchant sailors. They dressed themselves in five pairs of jeans and went ashore in the port of the USSR, then sold them on the black market .. The margin was fantastic .. In the USA such jeans cost $ 10, in the USSR 100 rubles and more. For you to understand, one gram of gold cost 15 rubles then, if you translate, then that was 100 almost $ 100. If you buy gold in the USSR for 100 rubles and sell it in the USA without duty. And what is most interesting: the official dollar exchange rate at the Central Bank of the USSR was 70 kopecks (cent) - $ 1, and on the black market the dollar was worth 2.5 rubles - $ 1. Why so expensive? Because the Bank of the USSR did not sell dollars to ordinary citizens. Foreign exchange transactions were illegal. For illegal operations with currency on a large scale, the Criminal Code of the USSR punishment: the death penalty, through execution. It was very dangerous to engage in currency transactions then, only brave people decided on it. And in general, it was very dangerous to conduct any business privately, it was a priori illegal, for this also a prison and confiscation of property.Jeans became very popular after the fall of the soviet union, that is what I have heard. This was because they were unavialble during the soviet union.
))))) There was a whole story with jeans! You probably won’t find it already, but there was an American guy in this thread. At that time he lived and worked in Germany on the border with the GDR. He said that Jeans was the best seller through smuggling. The European Socialist bloc simply went crazy from these jeans. Because it was very comfortable, fashionable and practical clothes ... In the USSR, mostly jeans were delivered by American and other merchant sailors. They dressed themselves in five pairs of jeans and went ashore in the port of the USSR, then sold them on the black market .. The margin was fantastic .. In the USA such jeans cost $ 10, in the USSR 100 rubles and more. For you to understand, one gram of gold cost 15 rubles then, if you translate, then that was 100 almost $ 100. If you buy gold in the USSR for 100 rubles and sell it in the USA without duty. And what is most interesting: the official dollar exchange rate at the Central Bank of the USSR was 70 kopecks (cent) - $ 1, and on the black market the dollar was worth 2.5 rubles - $ 1. Why so expensive? Because the Bank of the USSR did not sell dollars to ordinary citizens. Foreign exchange transactions were illegal. For illegal operations with currency on a large scale, the Criminal Code of the USSR punishment: the death penalty, through execution. It was very dangerous to engage in currency transactions then, only brave people decided on it. And in general, it was very dangerous to conduct any business privately, it was a priori illegal, for this also a prison and confiscation of property.
)) we also talked about this then with this guy ...I wear jeans all the time now. They are the best thing for both men and women, in most situations.