vert rock wool cloning

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
Anybody ever try to clone directly into rockwool slabs? ie grodan and the like.

I am planing on doing a gettho ecosystem style grow, and was thinking if I could cut out the need for an extra cloner and just put clippings into the slabs them selves...
this is an ecosystem if that helps.

the reason i ask this is
a I dont see anybody doing this is it because it wont work
b if I could vert clone in the final place then i wouldnt have to handle freshly rooted clones or worry about transplant stress.
c if it would take longer than cloning some other method.


Well-Known Member
clone under fluorescent tubes.. that uses too much light - using a hid for tender cuttings is not good, cost, not being able to separate your clones roots to replant.. just a few reasons I can think of off the top of my head.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
umm, well you dont want to separate your clones in a vert sog style grow, the whole goal is maximum density. The issue of lighting wasnt my question the real question is can it effectively be done and then could you clone with them in the vertical position. my questions stem from is there any reason why a slab's fiber structure would inhibit root formation. In therory you could put 36 in a slab let them root veg for 2 days then flower if you got 1.25 grams per plant of 20 slabs that is 2 lbs that is the point of my question. the problem is no one thinks this way or is crazy enough to try it.


Active Member
you can do it but your commited when they root. You will need to veg under 1000s or make a dome for them. Just not practical

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
as much as it would cost i think committed is an understatement. well i would veg under 2 400's or 2 600's. from all i read on ecosystem grows people use between 4 and 10 per slab with 18-20 slabs... my thought would be if one could root slabs and swap them out for constant rotation...


Active Member
as much as it would cost i think committed is an understatement. well i would veg under 2 400's or 2 600's. from all i read on ecosystem grows people use between 4 and 10 per slab with 18-20 slabs... my thought would be if one could root slabs and swap them out for constant rotation...
I had 2 ecos at one point. Endend up selling 1 still have the other. The most I could get was 2-2.5 at the most. Low maintanance after it's going. But hard to fill up with healthy clones.