Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Is it weird that this song reminded me of you? Let's start a ska band. I'll play drums. If we ever run out of original material, we could just cover shitty 80's songs and make a fortune..

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Right on pw. I'm all in, even know some more horn players to round out the winds section. Actually my sax was the reason I got into the punk band I played guitar for. We/ they covered tequila and I played sax. Picked up a guitar during a practice and showed them what's up.

I'm playing stuff like John frusciante these days. Will upload some music I've been making soon.

I learned how to play drums in a ska/punk band. We played all kinds of fast "Aquabatty", "Mustard Pluggy", "MMBosstones-ish" stuffs. But, Frusciante is always been one of my idols. Flea too. Fucking loved FEAR. Sucks, man. I can't click like on that last post more than once. Weaksawrce.
We played with the aquabats I think, when travis was their drummer. We also played with Reel Big Fish, i'm sure about that one. Tom Delong came to watch us one time, my friend ran over his foot with his big caddilac. We had a show with the Bloodhound gang, that was a weird show. We had more people watch us than them.


I/ we did this over 16 years ago, but it's more like what I rock these days

hell yeah... feel that. lol... some jay z shit. One take, no plan, just play.

On that note... I don't believe for a second that any of those rappers can spit a verse totally freestyle in real time with no lines they've ever thought of before. It seems to me to be them putting together lines they have in a book, in real time... but that's it seems to me.

To be fair I have watched guys doing freestyle on the radio where it seems they were actually free styling if you will. It was broken up though, like uh.... line here and there... uh... some more little here... ANyways, not trying to knock rappers... just seems lame to brag that you recorded your verse in one take, the first one, and you had never laid a pen to a pad for it. No way.

:::::no words::::: except these - Reel Big Fish was one of my first shows, ever. I remember covering "Pizza Day" for our garage party-show. We mostly did stuff like what you guys were pulling. Something like "Rehasher", or a skanky-"88 Fingers Louie". We used to cover a gnarly AAA track. Our horn section was way too drunk, most of the time though. Seriously, if you still have your Sax, lets fucking jam sometime. I've been drumming for about 14 years now. Last 2-3 years have been lonely since my relocation to the mountains. Everyone up here is more into Hank Williams - than Less Than Jake - which is totally cool. Just not always.

EDIT: Grats on 21 posts over 10,000 and MJ Expert. Earned!
Looking great Jig!!! Awesome video too. You working on the new journal? :-) I know how it is to be on "baby" time...Lmao.

Man... I am looking forward to smoking my stuff with you. You think the girls and babies can chill while the boys hang out and get super high off their asses? My wife would be so jelly though...LOL

I didn't get to the new journal yesterday... at least I made a video huh? Shit it's tough getting time to do stuff. Even when I do get time I want to sleep, or relax. And I'm not sure if we'll get time alone. I feel lucky to have been able to sneak away as much as last time.

Wow that shit is bright! Total washout, led sun!

It really is amazingly bright. I got some welders goggles (shade 5) that cut down on the glare and make it possible to see with the leds on. Sucks pictures and videos aren't really possible. Oh well.

They're ready for the tubes!!!

Yeah yeah... always pushing me to do things when I said i would. haha... I guess that's not pushing, it's keeping acountable. :) Will be working on hanging the tubes today. Wife said she's taking baby to the Getty... and that's like at least a 2 hour drive. Day at home alone. A bit depressing really.

That LED rocks JIG!

What strain are they?

Are you using CalMag?

The plants are all Headband... we think. And No not using Cal Mag as I'm running tap water. Why, what's up? THink they need a little or something?

Yeah that thing is crazy bright! I really dig the colors too :-) Great to see you rocking some nice plants again :-) and nice sweater btw! lol


I dig the colors as well... it's cool to have a pink/ purple glow in the bedroom now. It's like a club. And man I feel you on the nice plants thing. It feel so good to open the closet and see something to be proud of. It was hard for many reasons to suffer though those two shitty grows. It was like torture that was drawn out... just get it over with already. Can't beleive how much bigger these plants are than my last grow. I've only had these things 2 weeks now. Last runs plants weren't this big or nice 2 months after popping the s33ds.

And yeah... it's my favorite hoodie. :) Makes me feel close to my friend.

Very fast growth and super roots as well...should turn out nice! ATB!

Thanks M, I'm blown away at the roots... I honestly forgot how quick they grow in hydro. Glad you are here for the ride this time.

Jigs looks like you are having a little fun. Good to see your skill

Thanks jojo... it feels good to show my skills off a little. I remember that i actually had some skills in the first place.

Becareful jigs them roots will go crazy.just don't put organic food in the water like I did lol but it looks damn good .I had my eye on a light like that but sticker price 1500$ I'll stick to my 1000hps.but I bet ur light bill is low .how often u flood?

It looks wierd because I have a tank on top of another tank... but the bottom black tank is just empty sitting there doing nothing. The plants are in a DWC so the water is always in there, doesn't go anywhere. JUst sits and gets bubbled. The lights are $325 on the website...

Love the video man, plants are looking nice they are gonna be huge in no time!

THanks TC. They are going to be monsters aren't they.

EDIT: Didn't realize I crossed over 10,000. It''s official now. I spend a lot of time here. :)
Awww jig. I know your busy man. As a dad... I think its hard to relax even when you can sometimes. Super excited to see you back in your element. (Hydro). :-).