VErtex fans.. Do I need something this powerful??


Wanted to know from people who have been through it.. I have not had a grow in many many years, and I have lost some of the knowledge and some things have changed over the years...
36"X110"X84" tall enclosure..... Do I need to spend the money on a Vertex fan? Funds are hard to come by right now...; I know more is always better when it comes to air movement.
But would a fan like this with an activated Charcoal filter do the trick? Or should I go with a 4" vertex fan? (this 6" is only about 30-50cfm less than the 4" vertex)
36"X110"X84"/ 1728" = 192.5 cubic feet So that 6" fan would circulate all the air in just over a minute. Seems as though this should be enough
Thanks in advance


bud bootlegger
i was going to say that you could get a duct fan / booster fan, whatever you want to call them...
i had gotten one when i first started to grow, although the one i got was only a 4 inch jobber, and was only like idk, i think it was around 50 or so cfm, and it was no where near enough air movement for my needs, so i ended up getting a vortex style fan after all..
i didn't notice how much cash that one in the link was, but if it's relatively cheap, i'd say go for it, just know that you may have to drop some money later on done the line for a better fan if this one doesn't live up to expectations like what i went through with a cheaper one...


I was thinking if one was not enough, 2 would definitely do the trick! Seeing how 2 is only $25 and a vertex is going to run $75+, I will still be ahead of the game!


Well-Known Member
the problem you run into with a 25 dollar fan is eventually you with need a fan the will push through a carbon filter. even with both pushing or pulling, i don't think that will be enough , take the plunge and buy the vortex the 1st time.


Well-Known Member
it doesn't have to be a vortex either, any squirrel cage blower with the cfm rating you are looking for will work.