Well-Known Member
@legallyflying any updates? It's been awhile since you've mentioned anything here, or did you start another thread?
EXACTLY. Fracking has delivered a new lowest cost energy source that's also relatively environmentally friendly
Last I read fracking was banned in some modern EU country's because of it's impact on the environment. The uk government/s were also pushing to use fracking but the people of those country's were also against it on account of the environmental damage reports that were available at that time. Unless ofc those reports were deliberately misleading for the gain of some other capitalist interest.
I personally use a bit logic and assume that pumping the ground full of chemicals is not going to be high in the list of clean fuel.
It turns out that you don't need to pump a noxious slurry into the ground to get gas. Having worked in and around the industry, I'm convinced that organic solvents, water and sand are all that's necessary for the job, no nasty chemicals required.
Every other raw petrochemical is even worse to recover, right up to and including coal. It would be far more fair and accurate to start comparing the relative costs to the environment of recovering ALL fossil fuels, so people don't get the idea that pumping crude is any better- or frankly, any different. They frack oil wells too, you know! Have for decades! Where do you think the idea for natural gas fracking came from?
Finally, what about when it's burned at its destination? Natural gas really shines here, because no other hydrocarbon produces less co2. Hydrogen itself doesn't count, because it's not a hydrocarbon! Add the fewest possible carbon atoms to that hydrogen and what do you get? Natural gas! Aka methane.
Fuel cells and natural gas; it's a natural combination, and it's coming to suburban America soon.
''You are convinced''. That implies it is not being done yet but even if it is tried, it may not work because you may be wrong. ''Organic'' in almost any walk is typically a more lengthy process and/or less effective or more costly. Basically if the company's are given a choice they will stick with the cheapest chemical option. If the country blocks that option they will find a country that does not. Who cares if some little mud hut village in a country we have never heard of has children running around with 3 eyes and an arm for a leg
''Every other raw petro''. It MAY be the lesser of two evils but I would still not invite it around for dinner.
''no other hydrocarbon produces less co2''. We currently use more energy than we can cater for with ANY current natural process or limited impact (like wind farms). The real problem is that we genuinely use too much energy that can only be sustained by methods that result in massive environmental damage.
But who is willing to give up on having that second motor, 3 tv's, 3 ipads, 3 phones and a laptop/desktop or two. What of Christmas, Billions of extra lights burning away simply because it makes us ''feel better''. Obviously nobody is changing, we got worse so it's a two horse race, running out of resources or destroying the climate to the point the planet has a shit and wipes everything out.
Even if we could invent a safe form of energy the side product would be us reproducing on an even larger scale and raping the planet in other ways. History has proven it's what we do. It's all we do ^^.
So you can bitch about the problems just fine. Yep, the world sucks, it's overcrowded and pumping oil is dirty.
What do you got for SOLUTIONS? I'm working on those, seems a better use of my time than endless fault finding.
I'm not getting at you personally. Currently their is nothing in motion or realistically proposed that can allow a step away from prehistoric methods with no impact on our current way of life. We are already producing enough clean reusable energy (with room to improve) but we are using too much for it to sustain us, that's the problem. The solution is not in a hole filled with none renewable X. That is only fanning a dying ember at the risk of burning the house down, just to cook marsh mellows.
The solution requires world governments intervention, I personally can't do shit about it (ignored mass scale anti war protests?) because to be frank it's their game we play and only they have the ability to change the rules on such a large meaningful scale, like it or not. Right now you can hook up to any power main and use as much electricity as your wallet allows, or until something explodes o0. The avg person will adapt to ''enforced'' consumption regulations. They need to put house holds on a daily conservative consumption budget for a start. Smarter technology that auto shuts off completely would also offer huge reductions world wide. I've seen smart power here and there and that shit should be mandatory on every shelf for every item. It was estimated at some 20% world wide saving from stand by units alone. That's huge. Theirs also a huge amount that can be saved if not for capitalism holding most country's by the balls. For example, in these times of known climate change why are screens on every device getting bigger and bigger?. It, as one example completely counter acts any advancements in energy efficiency. The only good thing to come from all that bs is the advancements in battery efficiency that has hopefully aided in the storage of renewable energy.
If they were using fracking as a transitional means to generate the foundations of renewable energy I could potentially warm to the idea. Somehow I get the feeling they will still be sucking the land dry 10 years from now.
On a side rant what amuses me most in power solutions are those idiots proposing the creation of a star on earth as a possible power source on top of collide/quantum endeavors. We understand so little about our own oceans let alone planet yet they are currently messing with the very building blocks of a universe. Chernobyl was a fire cracker in comparison to that accident when it happens.
Sorry for the massive derail legal. I have read and looking forward to more updates.
I read two lines of the start to this thread and had to stop and say that is really damn funny.Ok, so I have a thread about this grow as it is a newly constructed warehouse grow but honestly, the thread is full of jack holes and guys that wear diapers.
Not that I am looking for everyone to pander to me or anything but I really don't feel like explaining why I'm not running LED in my fucking warehouse..or putting god damn solar panels on the roof. Might as well paint a sign....huge medical grow here.
Anyways, I figured the vertical forum would be less full of dip shits. There comes a time when you really don't have any questions about growing or setup; and you just want to show some people one of the many techniques out there.
Just installed buckets and cages. Should be ready to put plants in the room in about a week. (still waiting on permits) They will be flipped about a week after that.
So the low down:
32 plants
32 hortilux
vertical bare bulbs
DWC with a central reservoir
two 235 gallon reservoirs
AC and CO2.. fucking duh
heavy 16 nutes, weekly biowar tea.
a bunch of other crap that doesn't matter.
Oh yeah..cages are 28" square. Checkerboard pattern...distance to bulb = 14" at surface of cage.
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Thank you, you helped me scratch something off of a mental list..a dimmable ballast.I totally feel you on the money being scary low thing.
Re. running HID at less than full power; Don't do it. Spectrum suffers, bulb life suffers, light emitted drops much faster than power saved, not gonna be good. Just leave them run at 100%. Running MH at low power is even worse for them than it is for HPS.
My info came from some fly by night company called 'Philips'... you may have heard of them.
Thank you, you helped me scratch something off of a mental list..a dimmable ballast.