Vertical Hydro Octagon


Well-Known Member
I put some pics down below guys, Please look, enjoy, and comment away

Per request I am going to share a bit about my growing techniques and all that want to get involved and offer any comments, cruise along.... I am currently flowering my two rooms and will provide pictures once I remember how to get them on here... Let me tell you all up front that I rarely post on here, so am gonna be a bit slow at first.... Ok, my rooms, one is almost 2 weeks in and one is a few days short of 6 weeks... dimensions of rooms are roughly 8x8x7.5 ceiling height.... they are both lit by 2 1000w Lumatek dig ballasts running HPS Hort bulbs and a 600w Lumatek dig in between the thousands... I always run Mh in the middle and in one room I have had to substitute my 600 with another 1000MH because I had no more 6's and did not want to wait to get another bulb, so extra ballast went to use.. (VERY HANDY TO HAVE BACK UP LIGHTING and pumps)... ok, back to the room, all lights are incased in cool tubes and constantly cooled by a 8" Vortex.... I use 6" Vortex fans to bring air from outside into my rooms and I exhaust both rooms with 8" vortex.... I have fans mounted on ceiling and vand sitting low on ground to move air up and own in room... try to keep it like a little tornado of wind in there and they run on 30 minutes off and on because they do not oscillate and burn bad when left blowing directly at the plants..... My Hydro system, was self made and is constructed out of 6 inch PVC into 2 eight foot Octagons that sit top and bottom roughly 3.5feet apart.... I am running NFT this time but have been running aero in it and just want to see if there is a difference... the micro sprayers get clogged so easy, so we will see but so far results are similar..... the NFT/ Aero systems are powered by 2x2400GPH PMaster Mags, one for top and one for bottom in each room.... My reservoirs are outside my rooms and both rooms are air tight.... this helps keep my water much cooler, but I add frozen water bottles to my reservoirs all day at some times of the year.... I would get a chiller, but electricity is already maxed between all 3 areas.... anyway, the system has a pump rez and a catch rez the way I built it, so I have a seperate mag pump in catch that returns water back to pump, keeps my water mixing and was easiest for me to do with what I had to work.... Pump rez has two big air stones and powerhead to circulate water, catch has no stones, just powerhead.... Ok guys, I think that is about it, oh yeah nutes... I run AN sensi grow with calmag add for vedge and for flower I am running connoisseur and bud candy and calcium sulphate... well if you have any comments, let'em rip and I will try and figure out how to get pics off Iphone and onto here so you guys can get a little better idea of what's happening in my world.... until next time, keep it smiley


Well-Known Member
Per request I am going to share a bit about my growing techniques and all that want to get involved and offer any comments, cruise along.... I am currently flowering my two rooms and will provide pictures once I remember how to get them on here... Let me tell you all up front that I rarely post on here, so am gonna be a bit slow at first.... Ok, my rooms, one is almost 2 weeks in and one is a few days short of 6 weeks. dimensions of rooms are roughly 8x8x7.5 ceiling height, they are both lit by 2 1000w Lumatek dig ballasts running HPS Hort bulbs and a 600w Lumatek dig in between the thousands.

I always run Mh in the middle and in one room I have had to substitute my 600 with another 1000MH because I had no more 6's and did not want to wait to get another bulb, so extra ballast went to use.. (VERY HANDY TO HAVE BACK UP LIGHTING and pumps)... ok, back to the room, all lights are incased in cool tubes and constantly cooled by a 8" Vortex.... I use 6" Vortex fans to bring air from outside into my rooms and I exhaust both rooms with 8" vortex.... I have fans mounted on ceiling and vand sitting low on ground to move air up and own in room... try to keep it like a little tornado of wind in there and they run on 30 minutes off and on because they do not oscillate and burn bad when left blowing directly at the plants..... My Hydro system, was self made and is constructed out of 6 inch PVC into 2 eight foot Octagons that sit top and bottom roughly 3.5feet apart.... I am running NFT this time but have been running aero in it and just want to see if there is a difference... the micro sprayers get clogged so easy, so we will see but so far results are similar..... the NFT/ Aero systems are powered by 2x2400GPH PMaster Mags, one for top and one for bottom in each room.

My reservoirs are outside my rooms and both rooms are air tight.... this helps keep my water much cooler, but I add frozen water bottles to my reservoirs all day at some times of the year.... I would get a chiller, but electricity is already maxed between all 3 areas.... anyway, the system has a pump rez and a catch rez the way I built it, so I have a seperate mag pump in catch that returns water back to pump, keeps my water mixing and was easiest for me to do with what I had to work.... Pump rez has two big air stones and powerhead to circulate water, catch has no stones, just powerhead.... Ok guys, I think that is about it, oh yeah nutes... I run AN sensi grow with calmag add for vedge and for flower I am running connoisseur and bud candy and calcium sulphate.

well if you have any comments, let'em rip and I will try and figure out how to get pics off Iphone and onto here so you guys can get a little better idea of what's happening in my world.... until next time, keep it smiley

The majority of the people on this site are stoned so they imeditly say Fuck Reading All That, so your shit doesnt get read. You should always write in short paragraphs it doesnt look like such a mess.
Disregard the negative remarks. That is the reason why I no longer spend a lot of time on this site. This is the most interesting thread I have seen in a while (As long as you post some pics and update on a reg basis). I have wanted to do something simular to this for a while but dont have the time to invest in trying to dial in another system. I run a couple home made aero tables along with a GH aeroflo 36.

I look forward to seeing photos of your creation.



Well-Known Member
I took a bunch of pics yesterday and have to email them to myself to get them on the site... Can't figure out how to get them from phone to hear... Working on it guys...


Well-Known Member
ok guys, sorry, it has taken me so long to get my shit together, but here are a few shots to get things rolling,,,, this first one is just a shot of one of the rooms right before getting set to flower.... vert1.jpg


Well-Known Member
A shot of the style monitors I run for my reservoirs.... As you know if you are an accomplished hydroponic farmer, it's pretty crucial to be on point with your ph, TDS/PPM/EC and water temps... This monitor shows me all that I need to know about my tanks at all times of the day and night.... 24hrmonitor.jpg


Well-Known Member
This is a shot of outside the other flowering room, showing seperate rez's.... I use the very basics in my set=ups whenever I can but never skimp on the important things (ballasts, bulbs, fans, pumps, timers, monitors, etc..) quality pays off sometimes, but these rezervoirs were about $25 a piece at home depot and capacity 55 gallons....resshot.jpg


Well-Known Member
this last shot I have for you so far guys is just off the mess of shit that is contained in my hardware area.... all my electric for ballasts is on 240 professionally installed and the rest is just basic 110...... Keep a cleaner grow area then I do guys....madness.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ok, there are a few shots to give you a bit of an idea and I will post more specifics as I move on through things.... will also post some flower shots.... feel free to ask questions about anything, and all comments are welcome....
I like that setup a lot. Looks like you worked hard on it. I have a bunch of Q's for you if you dont mind. You dont have to answer all of em if you dont want to.

1 How many cycles did it take you to get things dialed in?

2 What strains do run?

3 How often do you change you rez?

4 What kind of spaceing do you have between plants

5 Did you fab up those cooltubes?

I have a bunch more but I dont want to be an asshole and bombard you with Q's. I am moving into a new place soon and I would really like to try something like this but with a full time job that sometimes requires me to travel and my current op to take care of. I dont have a lot of spare time to tinker around. I want to have my poop in group before I start putting time and money into something. I need to make a decision to either dive in or stick with what I have. You kno what I mean? I will shut up now. Nice work man


Well-Known Member
well to answer your first question, I am nowhere nere dialed and have been focusing on nothing but Vert for the last few years... I run kind of a lot of diff strains at the same time and am always breeding and looking for the best in exotic genetics, so being dialed is almost impossable in my garden, at least for me.. For question 2 and strains... I don't use names, I will let you know that all my genetics are pretty favorable and will post some pics for you to name yourselves.... Number 3, I change flowering room Rez's every ten days unless something happens to cause me to change it sooner... in vedge I usually don't change at all, just clean after I take them out and put them in flower.. Question 4 and plant spacing... 18-20" and I did not fab cooltubes, they are all sunlight supply standard 19" except for the one 48".... and don't anyone sweat asking me questions, I committed myself to be here to help out anyone with questions for a little while, so ask anything, related to my garden or your own


Well-Known Member
couple more random pics for you guys, first one being some of the things I use on my girls and where I store them in my vedging area and a pic of rez and pumps... the other pic is in response to a few pm's I have received and for those in the future... These 2'" net pots and neo plugs are alsecuredownload.jpgl I use from start to finish... Whether seed or clone, it's the netpot with the bottom cut out and a little clone help in place with a 2" plug..aeroclone.jpg


Well-Known Member
pe4weeks.jpgNow as promised a few shots of the girls from the other room.... First shots here are from a couple girls at 25 days... 2 different strains..pk4weeks.jpg


Well-Known Member
I know the pics aren't very good, poor lighting, iphone camera and no talent for photography are what i'm working with, but I will keep trying to get better and I will snap some pics of the other room and how it's doing lately... just finished it's second week, so I will show you what flowers look like at that stage


Well-Known Member
In vedge I will run up to 800, in flower this latest run the highest the meter has seen is 350 but mostly between 150 and 250 believe it or not..... I have been having issues with AN conn and will be moving onto new things after I finish these gallons... As for flushing, I flush for 36 to 48 hrs on every Rez change and at finish at least 3 straight days and up to 2 weeks depending upon when the latest girl ripens... That is the hardest thing about running different strains in one system... Makes things much much harder and I honestly would advise against it