Vertical light question


Active Member
I am flowering with a 600 W hps hung vertically with no reflector. I find hanging the light vertically takes up more ground space but gives prime use of the bulb in all 360 degrees creating a several times greater prime light volume. By prime light I mean the intense light close to the bulb.

If you want maximum effecincy per bulb go with a Vertically hanging light, but if you want greater efficiency per ground area go horizontal.

I want to know if anyone else is using vertical 600s with no cool tube and how far from the light do you put the plants. Right now I have them at about 2 feet and the leaves seem to be twisting a bit.


Well-Known Member
I use a combo of a horazontal and a hanging verticle it works great plants seed to love it and the horazontal light kills the dead zone right under the hanging bulb


Active Member
That sounds like a great idea I believe I will try that. How do you posistion your plants around you vertically hanging bulb? Do you hang it above them and if so how far away?


Well-Known Member
I have drilled holes through the horazontal reflector just 1-2 inches from the end of the bulb and thread the vert through that hole
i can keep the flowers 5-6 inches from the bulb.

