vertical "parabolic" lighting question


Well-Known Member
Can any hps fixture be used hanging verticaly or does it have to be made for that function?

Can i get a "econo" system and just ditch the wing ??:confused:


Active Member
Any holder will be fine. some bulbs don't like to be hung vert. Not many that we have seen though.


Active Member
im kinda confused with ur question.... depending on the shade the hps light will either hang verticallay or horizontally.....

Vertical- better for growing 1 large colas

Horizontal- better for bushy types trees with mutlple branches


Well-Known Member
I plan on doing my next grow vertical and I have not seen anything on specific bulbs or parts you need. I plan on just removing the shield and hanging it in the middle of a grow tent.


Well-Known Member
some bulbs are ment to be hung one way and some are universal.. its in the code..

U or VBU - vertical Base Up or VBD - Vertical Base Down

Burning Positions
  • VBDFilament vertical with lamp base down. VBUFilament vertical with lamp base up. HorFilament horizontal. UniversalBurns at any angle. +/-nMaximum permissible deviation of n degrees from recommended burning position.
taken from the bottom of this site
Burning Position
  • The position in which a lamp is designed to operate for maximum performance and safety. These include
    • BD - Base Down (bulb is vertically positioned with the metal base at the bottom, glass up)
    • BU - Base Up (bulb is vertically positioned with the metal base at the top, glass hanging down)
    • HBD - Horizontal +15º to Base Down
    • H45 - Horizontal to -45º only
    • VBU - Vertical Base Up ±15º
    • VBD - Vertical Base Down ±15º
    • HBU - Base Up +/- 90º (bulb can be operated in a base up or horizontal position)
    • HOR - Horizontal Burn (bulb is positioned with the metal base parallel to the ground)
    • H75 - Horizontal +/- 75º (bulb should not be operated within 15º of vertical)
    • U - Universal Burn (burn can be operated in any position)

taken from this site -

I recently was given a bulb for free(my 400MH burnt out and i' m running my 400hps) and after doing research on the serial number MVR/STD/VBU/HO or something... I found out it was a VBU with is vertical bulb hanging down .. I have a horizontal setup with the fixture and I don't feel like altering it although I can and will when/if the HPS burns out... I also read that a Metal Vapor bulb will work in a MH fixture but not the other way around.. so I might just try it one day to see...


Well-Known Member
it's for safety reasons and life of the bulb.. they will obviously work in whatever position you put them in... BUT it's not as safe and the life of the bulb is hindered..