curious old fart
Well-Known Member
It's good to hear your wife is recuperating. One warning about narcotics, they stop up your digestive tract and cause constipation.


Oh yeah, and never try to get at their inner thoughts.....brutal!I was ill recently and my wife stayed away from me and was of no assistance and was lamenting how hard it was on her....if you ever think you're beginning to understand how a woman thinks, then you're about to get schooled.
Thinking about having sex with another man to give me a baby..Oh yeah, and never try to get at their inner thoughts.....brutal!
I go like 10 weeks from flip, but have not ran to many of those beans. Moving day is tomorrow morningishHey fam ...@ doc whats the flower time on the chem mix
Jig you'll never be alone as long as you have the internet we're with ya bro!Me too buddy. me too