Yeah I never expect anyone to do anything for free, plus I like to shar as well.I had a friend help me trim once and when we were done there were three bags and I asked him which one he wanted and he pointed at the huge bag. I laughed and gave him the medium oneI am generous but I am not that generous!
They keep getting better till they peakWhen I opened the jars to get ready for the cup I was like "this smells better than I remember - do I want to give this away?!"
As long as you know where you stand. I hear often that people are jealous of things I do, and I say it's all choices. It's nice to realize what you are choosing as you are choosing it.
And speaking of choosing, I am going to choose to trim dry from now on. I actually find it easier, so there.
1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4: