We are behind on the planning, as my daughter is 4 now...I can't believe that btw....but we want to home school her. The biggest reason being that the public schools here suck, and we can't begin to afford private or specialty. I went to public schools, and sure there are negatives to it, but I'm not nearly as concerned about the environment as I think my wife is. She had some crazy stuff happen in her school though so I suppose it impacted her differently. I knew some of those very unadjusted home schooled kids, and it always makes me think twice, but they had very unadjusted/ unstable parents so I really think it was a trickle down effect. The kids can't learn how to act in public if their parents don't know how to in this case. Anyway, we are working on finding some other kids for her to interact with, she had a blast at the library last week they have a big learning/play area and she got to play with a few kids for a bit. Its tough, we are trying to meet some others in the new area we live in, but meeting new people is hard....meeting new cool people is even harder. I'm hoping she will play nice with the daughter of the glass blower I'm learning from. She is a few years older but Chloe tends to do better with kids a little older. Guess we'll see.
Hope you guys are having a great day BTW, its snowing here again, think we're just staying in. I need to figure out this whole going to AZ thing. We want to go, and we don't........its kinda one of those things. I'm mostly concerned with spending a week away from my garden, I know I can set things up to be ok, I'm just anxious about it. I also don't know how I feel about spending a week stuck with my parents, with no bud, and no vehicle of my own. My wife is also mildly afraid to fly

Edit: I totally hear that JD, if my wife and I were both to try to work, the daycare alone would take a HUGE amount of the extra income she brought in.