Very Basic Grow


Active Member
Ok guys, I've only done one grow before, if you could even call it that. It didn't even flower, because I got caught before it got big enough.

So now I'd like to try again.
But, I don't have the money(or space) for all this fancy stuff, and I'm not too familiar with growing vocab. So here's what I know...if you guys could fill me in on the basic of what I need to grow 1 plant to a decent size. Not looking for anything to elaberate(yet:?), just an easy plant to get some good times out of.

I was planning on just using a bucket/pale, or big flower pot. I'm sure I'll find something in the basement.
--What kind of soil should I get?...I know I need something nutrient rich and with maybe a bit of sand or styrofoam so the water can distribute. Can anyone give me an exact name/brand of a good soil???

I know how to make the seed sprout(wet paper towel trick)...I had some seeds I was sprouting one time, and forgot about them, and went on vacation. When I came back the sprout still seemed healthy, and it was like 1 1/2 ft long! How long should it be when I plant it?? How deep should I put it in the soil???...Do I need to tie it to a small stick to support it?...or will it grow strong enough on its own?

Walmart sells a desk lamp that is made for growing plants on your desk. Could I grab one of those ( I think its about 600watts) and place it a couple inches over the plant???....If I need to I could line some cardboard with tin-foil and place it around the plant.

And I know a need a fan or two. Nothing fancy right?...Just a couple house fans will do? intake and exhuast basically...

I live in NH, and I hear our water has a lot of extra chemicals in it to keep it clean(chlorine, floride, etc)...should I water the plant with some distilled water? get a bottle of water from the grocery store. How often do i water?....and do i need any of those plant feeders, or nutrient liquids?...if i do, what kinda should i get?

Keep in mind guys, we dont really have any growing hobby shops or gardening stores here....we have home depot, lowes, and walmart...thats basically the only place to get gardening supplies.

Thank you everyone:)


Well-Known Member
Grow Medium: Perlite and Peat Moss (With no nutrients!!!!!) Maybe a little top soil, i'd say 1/3 of each per pot.

Plant your seed once you see a taproot, and plant it 1/3 inch in the soil

I used two walmart desklamps with two 23w cfl and it grew my seedlings wonderfully (until I killed them with nutes too early)

Use one small fan at first then grab a medium sized one later on in the grow

And I personally use distilled but be sure to buy a PH tester and only water your seedlings every 4 to 5 days. Do not over water!

Good luck to you! ;)