(very) Cheap soil humity meter

I used to give this advice and people hated it, look at your plants everyday till they wilt, don’t let that happen again.
I bought my wife a good digital meter for outdoor flowers. Seemed to work for her. Lifting pots doesn’t always work.
I was thinking on using this as continuous humidity meter.
Stick 1 on each pot during all run (to not slay the roots everytime I want a reading).
This way I could have a better guess on when to water it.

1. Do you have one?
2. Is this acceptably precise? (I know it's not a professional meter, nor even a "cheap" version, just trying to know if it's actually garbage or I can minimally rely on it)

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- PH: would also be nice to have those readings from soil, but not that relevant. I already have a water ph meter.

- Alternative for me would be to have nothing.

- Just thought on having some aid on watering the plants.
Better to have nothing and cheaper too.
Its like cannabis growers are afraid something might be cheap. Anyone used to do Lucas Formula in Hempy buckets? Shit was hella cheap. so many people talked crap on it. LOL
Considering that 10s of thousands of growers use Lucas and hempy buckets not sure the talking crap worked. Maybe they were talking about Hempy? He’s a loser who thought he invented the wheel.