very deficient plant


ok, so this is my second grow in this homemade box. my first landed me with 2 males out of 2 plants! now i have 7 plants growing in 2 containers, and they are doing fine so far, except for 1 plant specifically. it has EXTREMELY abnormal growth happening. they are still seedlings, just 1 node, but the leaves on this one are so far out i have no idea what could be going on. PS. none of the other plants look like this one.
iv read that seriously stunted growth could be caused by a Phosphorous defic.


You are too worried. Not all seeds are the same, each side has its special "gene". Wait it out, could just be a bad seed or just simply a little behind. Wait it out a week then start to worry about it if there is still a problem


Well-Known Member
Nah man bagseeds fine... u can take Junk smoke seeds and grow sum of the best green u ever toked


Well-Known Member
srry for double post but u need to give them there own pots or your gonna have problems so ASAP individual pots

and what soil you using? looks like u got dieriea in it =D


its left overs from a bag of miracle grow and then a new bag of "all american organic topsoil", it mixed about 30/70 miracle/organic. is this a problem? and yes, iv already started transplanting