Very Deformed new growth


Active Member
Hi all,

This is my first grow and although i have had numerous problems i have been able to solve them, but this one has me stumped...

The Problem:
3 out of 4 white widow clones stopped growing at the same time. Over night the large fan leaves at the bottom developed yellow spots. The tops stopped growing and as if the were topped two plants grew new pairs of shutes. The new shutes are all exhibiting some extreme deformation in new growth. Plants without new shutes are also exhibiting deformed growth.

Soil - supersoil
PH - 6.6 always
Strain: white widow
Tent grow - DR80
400W hps, cool tube setup
Earth Juice fert (vegative, micronutrient, catalyst)
Temps - 72-79 deg F (good ventilation)

I originally wanted to grow organic. I bought the best org potting soil i could find and my plants wouldnt grow in it so when i transplanted from 4 in pots to 4 gal pots I used supersoil.

These are some things that happened around the same time this problem began:
1) I have a very small fungus gnat problem from the organic soil i was previously using. I have gnatol now so it wont be a problem soon.
2) I underwaterd slightly once right before this problem occured.
3) I tranplanted 3 week rooted clones from 4 in pots to 4 gal pots
4) I moved plants from cfl to hps
5) I sprayed them 4 times heavily with organocide to kill anything living (these clones came from outdoor plants and had some bug resedue so i wanted to make sure early on (I read it is not harmful to plants).
6) There is always ta slight possibility that in an induced haze i mixed up the catylist and micro ferts and accidentally used a tbsp of micronutrients instead of a tsp. (not very likely though)

The plants:

This plant has the most deformed growth and it did not develop addition shutes. all new growth continues to be deformed.

This is the only healthy looking plant except it is slightly paler than the others and it went from growing 7 leafs to 5 and recently 3 on top...

This plant grew two new shutes and both have deformed leaves.

This plant has the yellow leaves on the bottom. It actually had new shutes growing initially because it was to far into flowering when i re-veged. But notice one shute is fine, the other is severeley deformed.

Please help!


Active Member
Trace elements is another way of saying micro nutrients right? Is there anything i can do? or do i just need to sit this one out and hope they recover? :-?


Well-Known Member
yes flush them out, i have done this b4 the plants can take a very long time to recover a few of mine did not even survive they just dried out and died.


Active Member
Yea, i though that would be the answer... but i was hoping it wouldn't be... I am in the city. The crappy water has a ph of 8.6 out of the tap because of the extreme levels of chlorine (you can smell it)... I have to let it sit for a couple of days before i can use it. How much water do i need to flush with using 4 gallon pots?


Well-Known Member
i would just keep flushin with water as they r not goin to need nutes not exactly sure on gallons but i would put at least 3 litres through each pot.just use water till u see them pick up.


Active Member
Ok, here is an update. Shit just keeps getting weirder. The very deformed leaves have changed texture and color.... again... All of them actually. In addition, the once 7 leafer clones have reverted to 5 leaf, then 4 leaf? then 3 leaf then 1 1/2 leafs.... the leafs are deformed still but in a completely different way. The plant looks otherwise health and green.. from a distance. They have doubled in size in the last 6 days or so, so at least growth is speeding up. I flushed two of the plants, but they all seem to be changing in the same fashion. even the untouched plants. See pictures and descriptions below. Please enjoy my freak show of plants and if you have any idea what could be causing this feel free to enlighten me.

This is the largest plant, and it exhibits about every problem i am having; deformed leafs, weird textured leafs, strange twisting and, well you can see they are jacked.

This was the only normal looking plant

This is the plant that had two main shutes since the beginning. you can see the right side has recovered and has relatively healthy looking growth, although it has reverted from 5 leafers to 3 leafers. The left side shows some signs of change, good or bad? i have no idea... Tempted to cut if off. Althoough, maybe it will grow some muntant ninja turtle buds.

This plant has always showed the most deformity, but it seems to be doing stuff?



Active Member
I haven't changed the light darks cycle, however; I did change from flouro to hps about 2.5 weeks ago and from hps to mh a few days ago. The light cycle has been a constant 18/6 as far as I know.


Active Member
Could the deformities i am having be related to reverting a flowering clone back into a vegative state? All of the clones had little tiny buds on them when they were cut, especially one which acted as if it were topped right away.


Active Member
Jointluver, Im feeding them the recomended dosage of nutes every other watering. Im using all earth juice ferts and they are organic, which i hear makes it hard to over nute because there are less salts. In addition, i recently transplanted them from 4 in pots to 4 gal pots, so there shouldnt be much of a buildup of nutes.


New Member
Clones are ultra sensitive to begin with.
With all the changes you have been doing they are just extra stressed.

The leaf blade count is perfectly normal. The abnormal one just needs time I think. Even some abnormal growth is normal to some extent.

Seriously they don't look all that bad. I have had some deformities like that and I just let my plants do their thing. Make sure the lights are constant and the clones stay somewhat moist....and in a week or two they will look better than ever. A MH light is a good choice especially for the veg stage.

Don't sweat it. :mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
I haven't changed the light darks cycle, however; I did change from flouro to hps about 2.5 weeks ago and from hps to mh a few days ago. The light cycle has been a constant 18/6 as far as I know.