Very First Grow, Outdoor


Well-Known Member
Hey anyone whos reading this, i am someone who is growing in the niagara region, and i have just started to germ my seeds, i have 2 hindu kush seeds and 2 shishkaberry x Buddha seeds , i have more but i dont kno if i will have enough room or places to put the plants, so for now there staying put.

Ive picked to random places in a park to grow, gets plenty of sun, but im not sure if its too open, if anyone has any hints or ideas on a couple things it would be realllllly apreciated.

1. How to transport germinated seeds, i like about an hour away from where im donig this, its gonna be hard to move them from the plate to the ground.
2. Nutrients, and good stuff to buy or use that i can get in my general are, same with fertilizer
3.How to maybe trim the plants, to keep them short, im not worried about the Kush because i kno its straight indica and will grow short, but even then, if theres a way to trim it and still get the same, or better yield, id be happy.
4. Im putting them in the ground outside, and jsut putting them in soil, no pots, is this a bad idea?

thanks for reading, and hopefully i'll have pictures of them soon of when they sprout, if you want i'll snap some when they germ, if anyone reads:)


New Member
hi there.
Hey anyone whos reading this, i am someone who is growing in the niagara region, and i have just started to germ my seeds, i have 2 hindu kush seeds and 2 shishkaberry x Buddha seeds , i have more but i dont kno if i will have enough room or places to put the plants, so for now there staying put.

Ive picked to random places in a park to grow, gets plenty of sun, but im not sure if its too open, if anyone has any hints or ideas on a couple things it would be realllllly apreciated.

1. How to transport germinated seeds, i like about an hour away from where im donig this, its gonna be hard to move them from the plate to the ground.plant them in small pots and carry them in a box or something.
2. Nutrients, and good stuff to buy or use that i can get in my general are, same with fertilizerIf you are planting them right in the ground then all your nutes will come from what you add to it. You want to dig big holes, add compost, bonemeal, dolomite lime if it is in a pine forest, handfuls of dried leaves, maybe some perlite and possibly some peatmoss but not too much if it is a very sandy area.

Just don't add any smells organics OR the animals will dig it up.
3.How to maybe trim the plants, to keep them short, im not worried about the Kush because i kno its straight indica and will grow short, but even then, if theres a way to trim it and still get the same, or better yield, id be happy. You could top them but some small indicas do better untopped. To top them you cut of the stem right above the leaves. you then get two more stems unstead on one. You can top more than once.
4. Im putting them in the ground outside, and jsut putting them in soil, no pots, is this a bad idea?No its a good idea;)

thanks for reading, and hopefully i'll have pictures of them soon of when they sprout, if you want i'll snap some when they germ, if anyone reads:)


Well-Known Member
Written by Troy and Mike

SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 2008

We went out today and dug up 4 holes. We found two locations, and dug two holes in each. We have not planted the seeds yet, only dug the holes for them, because the seeds have not germinated enough. The steps in digging the holes were as follows.

1. We dug holes. Took fucking forever.

2. We then took garbage bags. cut wholes in the bottom of them for drainage, and used Premier PRO-MIX soil and filled the bags. We placed them in the hole.

We then filled the whole up, and disguised the bags that were sticked out.

Again, we have not yet planted the seeds, so if there is anything we have done wrong, or could have done better leave a comment. If have have any comments or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2008

Today our seeds have germinated. We have used the germination method using paper towels and two plates. It took roughly two days for the seeds to germinate. Mike will be planting the seeds in our soil spots later on today.

The Seeds have now been planted. We were unable to get pictures of the seeding process, as Mike was being a huge pirate hooker. Just kidding he walked to the spot all by himself, and planted them. And apparently got attacked by bees. The things we do for ganja.
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Well-Known Member
looking good man, just make sure you try to get even the chlorine out of the tap water, leave it out over night.

Good luck! I'll be checking this out, I've always wanted to do an outdoor grow... too bad I live in a very populated area where there are constant guerrilla busts at the end of summer.


New Member
OK I don;'t mean to sound harsh here or anything but why would you buy neutral potting mix. Its great potting mix. I use it myself when I am flowering so I can add specific nutes.

Is this site close enough to you that you can feed them?


Well-Known Member
Haha lazy chill stop counting the notches on your well deserved belt, I was fucking with you =P you weren't being harsh


New Member
If he does not add any nutes to those seedlings, they will not make it.
I am just giving him facts is all. He doesn't seem to understand.
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New Member
.....................Haha you silly man. :mrgreen:[quote=Hernandez248;880984]Haha lazy chill stop counting the notches on your well deserved belt, I was fucking with you =P you weren't being harsh[/quote]

hahahaha how did you spell my name
I will count all the notches I wanna count. Thank you :hump:

Would you like me to call you hermie then?;)wrong?


Well-Known Member
Hahaha pretty sure that was the last night I could drink too. And since I can't drink anymore, it won't happen again, haha it's cute though that you're still going to bring that up hahahahahaha. Oh lacy.


New Member
So sorry to hijack your thread buddy. I sometimes forget I am NOT on my own thread.

But seriously. I would go back and pull them up and add some nutrition to that soil. Unless you want to go back there twice a week. :|


Well-Known Member
You have got to be kidding me, you spelled it wrong again. Hahaha wow.

Haha this kid is going to come back and there are going to be all these random posts


New Member
SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 2008

We went out today and dug up 4 holes. We found two locations, and dug two holes in each. We have not planted the seeds yet, only dug the holes for them, because the seeds have not germinated enough. The steps in digging the holes were as follows.

1. We dug holes. Took fucking forever.I truly am sorry if I came across too harsh. I CAN appreciate all the time and effort it takes to do an outdoor grow. Its gruelling HARD work. I wasn't just appting myslef on the back. :roll: Ok maybe a little. :lol::clap::oops:

2. We then took garbage bags. cut wholes in the bottom of them for drainage, and used Premier PRO-MIX soil and filled the bags. We placed them in the hole.
I love the idea and the site look great. The potting mix you chose is excellent. It has great drainage and absobs water. The roots can grow through it easily and efforlessly BUT it does ot have any nutrition in it and being that this is an OUTDOOR grow that is an HOUR away, they will not grow healthy enough for a good crop. I kid you not. I DO NOT want to see all the research, hard work and dedication go to waste.

They aren't going to die or anything in a week or two. They just won't have enough nitrogen to make them green and healthy looking.

We then filled the whole up, and disguised the bags that were sticked out.

Again, we have not yet planted the seeds, so if there is anything we have done wrong, or could have done better leave a comment. If have have any comments or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
If I may suggest a thing or two that would help I would like to.
Te soil you have around the area looks nice. There's nice green grass growing in it.

When you get a chance go back on a cloudy day or earrly morning , OR early evening....any time that the sun isn't out full.
Take some little containers......cottage cheese or sour cream containers....doens't have to be expensive. Water the seedlings well and scoop them out into the containers very carefully and gently. Put them in the sahe while you work.

Purchase some good compost. Ask at the store what is a good brand. You don't need to buy any perlite or anything because that is already in that Pro-Mix. :mrgreen:
Dig out about 2/3rds to 3/4s of that potting mix and mix some of that soil that is around it. Mix the compost and the potting mix and soil all together,......water very well and transplant the sprouts or seedlings back in their locations and they will be happy as 'piggies in ****.' ;)

This will make a HUGE difference in the end result which is what you are wanting in the 1st place. Right?