Very first grow :)

Ok so this is my first grow, I'm thinking of 1 to 2 plants in a Tupperware container using low stress training. I will be growing them in my closet that's the reason for so few plants. I am wondering what kind of bulb/ how many I will need. As well as what would be a quiet fan to use and how much smell I will be facing as they grow because stealth is a big thing, the rents aren't to keen on grow ops in their house:p. Any feedback would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
ok, when you say "in a tupperware" do you mean your gonna actually grow in a tupperware or are you gonna be using tupperware as pots??? i would suggest 4-6 42 watt cfl's(cool white for veg and sot or warm white for flower) and there are so many quiet fans out there, check out for some really cheap pc case fans! and the smell will be determined by strain and you will only encounter this problem a few weeks into flowering!


JJ Bones

I would try to get a black or dark container to put them in. How big is the space your using, I know it's a closet but what's the square footage? If you want stealth and inexpensive electricity go with CFL's and a good rule of thumb is at least 25w per square foot; thats one way to determine how many bulbs you'll need.

Smell will depend on strain, and how big you let the plant get. I can't recall the name, but there are these containers that have these crystals in them to help odor, if you can't afford a carbon filter. I can get the name if you want them. Basically you just take the cap off them and the smell will mask the marijuana smell; just get about 4 of the containers.


Active Member
Use CFLs for a stealth grow. i like use about six 23-26 watt bulbs per plant rather than a couple high wattage bulbs. Use 5000k-6700k for vegetation and 2700k-3000k for flowering. make sure its dark in the room and closet your using (except for your grow lights of course) because otherwise you may disrupt your light schedule.
Ok first off il explain the Tupperware thing. I thought I would plant them in plastic flower pots and have the pots in the big black Tupperware container.the closet is about 2'x4' approx. But half of that will be In use.thanks for all the info so far but I was wondering what strain you guys would recomend for fast budding and the least amount of smell when they do. Outside light interferance isn't really a problem, I'm set up in the basement with little light coming through windows. One last, probably annoying question to SLB when you say (sot or warm white for flowering) what does this mean, sorry all this is new to me:p thanks for feedback


Well-Known Member
yo dude, I'm all for smoking ganja and got a small grow of my own.
I wish you would reconsider your grow and find a suitable place outside somewhere.
This is your parents house and is disrespectful in a major way since you said they are not cool with it. If you get caught by the police, you can cause your parents to lose their house over a plant they didn't even know about.
Just saying.
Yah I know but I've taken that into account. I live in newfoundland we only get like one month above 20 degrees Celsius and that's a good year. As for getting caught, it's only me who knows and I'm not selling. It's only a 2 plant grow there's very little heat and energy used so there's virtually no way to get caught. This is simply a private stash. But thanks for the concern
Ok look they never said I couldn't the only thing they said was they didn't want me smoking because today weed can be laced and it's not safe.they used to toke themselves. And if you want to bring In the aspect lack of respect how about hijacking a thread to give me a f**king lecture on respect. How bout this il do my thing, the thread will continue on. And this Sunday il go to my priest and say 15 hail maries, ok il cut my rant, let's get some opinions on this grow going please!


Well-Known Member
it's ok man, i have no problems clarifying, when i say soft white or warm white cfl's, i'm referring to the spectrum of the bulbs,(as in the color of the light they produce), soft white and warm white emit a more orange-ish colored light, which is beneficial to cannabis in the budding stage, and daylight or cool white spectrum, emits a blue-ish white light, that is beneficial to cannabis plants in the vegetative stage...hope this was clear enough for you! haha



haha I'm in the same situation, stealth is a major priority. Its all abit daunting at first though isn't it lol I ordered my seeds today :) but like you say, not much energy or heat for only 1 or 2 plants and this makes a personal stash highly appealing *happy dance* Its nice to talk to other people in the same situation!
thanks SLB for clarifying il have to get them sometime soon, im itching to get started.Its nice to hear from another marley fan as well! and to 6barrel, yah it is definitely daunting about a week ago i had little to no clue how to get started, but thanks to SLB and a few others in gettin a pretty good idea, well i guess the pants will tell in time how good i know it all:p


Well-Known Member
no problem man, and same too you man, BOB MARLEY FUCKIN' RULES!!! lol, can't wait to see a thread on your actual grow! I'll be looking out for it! and if u need any more help, just start a thread or send a PM my way! GL and Happy Tokin'!

Yah thanks man il be sure to do that it may be awhile tho, I'm still tryin to set up plus I have to move into the room first which may be up to a month or abit but I will definitely hit you up when I get started, peace