very good news, i hope

harlem ave

Active Member
well. i now transplanted my plant bout 5 miles away in the middle of my buddies farm. (his farm is in the middle of nowhere, about 2miles away from any road, and the plants have a pond near them). only problem is, from wat i believe. Is there supposed to be clay like 1.5ft below ground, its not all that hard but im not sure if thats a good thing. we dug a pretty big hole and place some kinda miracle grow soil in its place.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a cool operation you might want to use an organic soil, you can use top soil or promix always works. now with the clay its hard for the roots to penatrate it once it reaches the clay, im thinking it will spread out and possibly cover a larger surface area. 1.5 ft of soil should be enough though.

harlem ave

Active Member
well if anyone is interested, im goin to start putting pictures on the plants im goin to have around the swamp/dry land areas. PEace