very late putting outside experiment!


Well-Known Member
So these are extra clones Im putting outside in the ground on saturday, they were rooted in rockwool cubes for 14 days then just put into 4" pots with promix soil on thursday, so 6 days so far in the pots. Iv had them on 24hour lights the entire time. So they will go direct to flower when i put them out. Anyways this is for anyone is wondering what yield you could get doing it this late.
25 og kush, 21 Cheese.


Well-Known Member
I have a clone i put out july 2nd but it went through bunch of stress so its about he size of yours and it started to flower so were in this one together!


Active Member
I think you may be a bit too late to get a good finish before the frost, but let's see what happens. I put a fully rooted test clone (blue widow) outside on July 17th just to see how it goes off.


Well-Known Member
Yah i agree that it is about 2 weeks late but i figured its better then nothing and i get the learning experience.
Since I'v never put anything out any later then July 1st and even they there veg'd inside for over a month.
Excited to see what it turns out to be to say the least.
Days in So-Cal are still going long so I'm starting some cutting and putting them outside around August 15-19 first frost in my area isn't until late November hoping to harvest some quality smoke cheers and good luck on your grow though you are more on the Nortgern Hemisphere than me and your bloom began a lot earlier and your frost hits earlie and harder.


Active Member
Im doing the same thing with a pineapple express clone. I put it outside about a week ago and it is doing way better than expected. Its in a 5 gallon bucket. I dont have to worry about a possible frost until Jan. Good luck to all in our experiments.


Active Member
Obviously, the following information is of little use to medical growers due to low yield. However, for someone looking for a method to obtain a full sunlight grow without fear of aerial detection, this method can yield small quantities of connoisseur-grade product.

I used Pro-mix HP amended with worm castings, bat guano, fossilized seabird guano, a bit of whatever random organic "complete" fertilizers I have lying around, and some Soil Moist for water retention in a 2 gallon cloth-type smart pot.

Started from a fully rooted blue widow cutting and placed outdoors on July 17th. About 5" tall.
Finished on September 12th, but I probably should have pulled it a few days ago as I would have preferred to retain some of the deep blue-green color that the plant was showing just last week. The plant could not be watered as frequently as I would have liked and that may be responsible for some of the color fade. About 2' tall when pulled.

Photo from 8/24 - 39 days.
Photo from 9/12 - 58 days.
Photo from 9/12, detail.
It smells like somebody threw a skunk into the wood chipper.