very late update: roughly 3mo old, week 1 flower

Hello all, due to work and other responsibilities i had actually forgotten about my baby! I know, i know its a shame... But on the bright side this is what i came back to visit. All opinions are welcome and remember an oz a day...

2012-07-15 17.46.18-1.jpg

keeps the doctor away, happy toking.


Active Member
Looks really healthy! What is it? A little on the small side for 3 months old tho. Over all looks good mate!
Its blue cheese and this plant is over five foot btw, this is the most complex branching I've seen to date. Hopefully making some nice bud sites. Its a GREAT smoke so really looking forward to the conclusion. Im looking for opinions on putting her on a fert regiment with bloom boost n-p-k of 15-55-15. Any first hand experience with the matter would be immensely appreciated.


Active Member
Oh my bad! That pic is deceptive! Haha maybe I need to look into glasses. It does look super healthy like you said. Sorry I dont know much about ferts. I just buy ferts in a bottle, make sure my ph and ppm are at the correct level and then feed
Those fan leaves are wayyy bigger than it seems, pistols are clearly visible. On average four new leaves develope every two week incrament visits. Sadly last visit i noticed the stalk had been slightly chewed away. But I've heard of damaging stalks to promote growth, no idea if its fact or fiction. Just rolling with the punches.


Active Member
That I do know a little about. Thats why LST is so effective. It doesnt help promote new growth but if you bend the stalk so it kinda folds over but doesnt snap the plant knows to heal it and therefore it becomes stronger. Looks like a knot. Do this is veg to get the most sun to all bud sites. There are plenty of videos on it. You should watch one. They are very informativr.
But this isn't bending or training, a rabbit (Im assuming) literally nibbled away the stem. I hope it isn't threatening seeing as it didn't go nearly half way through.