very little scent. What went wrong?

Hey guys,

Just started drying my outdoor crop (started in april). It's sticky and the trichomes look cloudy but there's really not much pungency. And it's got almost a grassy smell to it. Did I harvest too early?


Well-Known Member
It is supposed to smell grassy as it's drying. Its the chlorophyll being evaporated from leaves. While curing the smell comes back after burping the jar till the chlorophyll smell is gone.


bud bootlegger
How long did you dry? What were the temps and RH of the room when drying?
Ahh what a relief.. thank you
yeah, like gone said, the smell often time goes away during the dry and will only come back in the cure stage. usually 18 days minimum in jars is when my smell really comes back on strong.. :D

but yah, like said, that green smell you smell is simply the chlorophyl breaking down, perfectly normal m8.. :D


Well-Known Member
I've had grassy smelling weed, it alweys stayed grassy smelling. It was also very airy, I probably fucked it up with over nuting or lock out. I have since became a much better gardener over the years and my plants never have a grass smell. They smell good from the time they are growing, to the day I roll it up. I've also learned that grassy smell can be do to harvesting early. Not to bash your hopes. Ive been wrong before but this is my experience with grassy or hay smelling pot.


Well-Known Member
Grassy smelling weed brings me back to the days dad and I would toke and cut the back yard grass. Those were the days. Of course - that's before that pot smokin' SOB thought it was OK to check the sharpness of the mower blade with the engine running. RIP daddy. :cry: