Very new to organic growing, need help with teas.

Hey riu community. Im looking for experienced advise. Long time grower here just recently decided to try growing organic with teas after all this time. Before brief research i was leaning towards using the general organics full line, but using teas seems much more beneficial as well as cost effective. The questions are what would a good veg and bloom recipe be? Also a seed starter tea. I would also like to knw how often to feed with the teas. Every watering or every other e.t.c? Plz only ppl who have tried these recipes im not looking for suggestions or opinions just facts. Thanks alot in advance guys..........cheers


Well-Known Member
Here's my base for a tea.

for 30Gal.

-6 cups of compost (vital earth makes a good compost for teas)
-1/8 tsp. humid acid, per gallon (humaplex)
-cold water with no chlorine
-air pump suitable for however many gallons you're brewing
-2 1/2 cups worm casting(optional)

this is a basic recipe. After i let it brew for 12-24hrs. I'll add some liquid kelp & fish hydrolysate.

Make sure all the brands you choose are good use for teas.


Well-Known Member
I've been using these for a few grows now with good results

1/3 cup ewc, 1/3 cup seabird guano, 4 oz maxi crop liquid kelp, 1 tbl molasses, 50 mL GO diamond black humic acid, 5 gals water
Put solid ingredients in tea bag, aerate 24-36 hours and feed plants as needed (about every 2 weeks)

2/3 cup ewc, 2/3 cup seabird guano, 2/3 cup Jamaican bat guano, 2 tbl technaflora soluble seaweed, 2 tbl molasses, 70 mL GO diamond black, 5 gals water
Aerate 24-36 hours and feed plants weekly

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
If you want to skip the bottles all together, and make the real deal super organic, then go the bulk way, like me!

I buy large cheap bags of organic dried herbs at the health food store and make all my own teas without stopping by the hydro/grow store.

Simmer the herbal mixes in water for an hour or so to make a concentrate, let cool and strain.
Veg Mix:
1/2 cup Alfalfa
1/2 cup Comfrey leaf
1/4 cup Red Clover Blossoms
1/4 cup Stinging Nettle
1/4 cup dried Kelp
2 tbs Molasses

Flower Mix:
1/2 cup Yarrow flowers
1/2 cup Comfrey
1/2 cup dried Kelp
1/4 cup Chamomile
1/4 cup Red Clover blossoms
1/4 cup Borage
1/4 cup Indonesian bat guano (optional)

All of these concentrates can be stored in the refrigerator for a week a least, and can be used as is(1:4 ratio), or added to aerated teas with earth worm castings etc.(suggested)

Using these methods has allowed me to grow some of the smoothest, tastiest herbs I have ever encountered.

The recipes are not definitive and I constantly experiment with different ratios and ingredients, and use this on top of a well balanced custom soil mix.

But if your quest is for the best, home made is a cut above the rest.
Thnx guys for ghe feedback! rising moon do u add the simmered concentrate to the ewc tea and then bubble?? Or do i have this all wrong?

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Yes. I use the concentrates as catalysts in my brewed teas. I also use them as is, especially in late flower when I start winding down nutes and Im getting ready to flush, or early veg when something simple is all that's needed. Also if you have any micro or mineral deficiency, chamomile concentrates are the way to go.

In the recipes I forgot to mention how much water I use to boil the herbs.
It's about a half gallon, and cooks down to about half that amount.