Very Serious Watering Question; PLEASE HELP!


I have 3 5-day-old plants in typical blue party cups filled with soil. I have numerous holes in the bottom for drainage, and what I am wondering is should i saturate the soil so that the excess water can drain out the bottom? Should I water once a week and saturate all the soil? I don't want to starve any roots but I also am fearful of drowning them! Please Help!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
its better to let it dry the roots will search for water water before the plant wilts i know its hard ,if you over water your killing your plant


its better to let it dry the roots will search for water water before the plant wilts i know its hard ,if you over water your killing your plant
But does that mean saturating the soil is out of the question? I should just give it a little water once a week?

It's very hard to find accurate or even informative info on watering this early in the life of the plant. Any help would be great!


Well-Known Member
being that young it's best to just make the top layer "damp" i had to do it every day, but everyon's grow is different.

robert's completely right, the roots will search out the water thus making them grow much more. which is obviously important.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
do you have pearlight in your soil be careful if it is moisture control it will hold water longer ,its hard to give accurate advice when people don't give enough info,we try and give generalized help then get blasted for not helping ,what is the medium your growing in


Well-Known Member
i grow in party cups and water about two to three times a week and mist alot but it is due to my growing conditions my soil dries out fast especially in the box i have them in i check often and yes can you give us a little more information on your grow