very slow growth.. please help


I have two plants and i've notice they are growing way too slow. Idk what's problem maybe you guys can tell

1. Auto Northern Lights(Nirvana) - sits in 7l pot. sprouted in 20th june. Has 6 leaves(3 sets i believe). The third came out 2 days ago.
2. Fast Bud Automatic #2(Sweet seeds) - sits in 0.4l cup. sprouted in 22nd june. has 4 leaves.

They are growing under sunlight. it's been sunny for few past 3 days and before that it was cloudy/rainy. Ph stays 6.8 and soil was for Indoor palms.
Temperatures are about 20-25° C at day and 10-15° night. Maybe sun is the problem? I live in Latvia, it's 57N altitude.


i think they look bigger in pictures also sorry for shit camera quality and picaso paint editing


Active Member
Man, it's only been 10 days since they sprouted. What do you expect? :lol:

Give it a few weeks before your plant really takes off. Also, you said you're using sunlight? Ok, the sun goes down. Your plant is in the dark now, for however long the sun's down where you're at. If you had an indoor grow set-up, you could run the lights continuously which I found to offer the best amount of growth you can get.


Sun rises in about 4am and goes down 11pm, so thats about 18-19 of light. Ive seen way better results in day 5 or 6 in other grows thats why im worried about my babies :-(


Active Member
18-19 hours of light is all you need. 18 minimum from what I've read, so that would mean 18 hours of light, 6 hours of dark. That will continue to veg the plants normally as if they were in the wild if the temperatures are correct.

Trust me man, I know you want your babies to shoot up but just be patient, you seem to be doing a good job so far.