? very tip of plants leaves are dying?

I have a 5 foot plant in a 5 gallon bucket, I've been having problem's with this fucker ever cents I put the bastard into dirt. Let me explain what the plant looks like bc I can't find any pictures of what's going on with my plant..
So. First off the plant's leaves are crawling down into them selfs , not down like a limp dick, but like if you took a peice of paper and laid it on your arm and pushed down on both sides that are hanging in the air. . And this is just happening to the top leaves, also the very very tips are dying off, and when I say "very" I mean the very tips, about 1.50 ml. Long. They make a curler pointing down to the ground. Now I was told I was over watering ( AN TECH. SUPPORT TOLD ME THAT) But this dosnt look like over water, my rooms about 78 -80 degrees and drops about 5—9 degrees at night, with that being said, I was watering this plant once a day in the morning every day about 1 and a half liters , that's in a five gallon bucket.
The heat always being the same. Anyone think this is a sign of over watering? Has anyone had this problem. The leaves look like idk. There like folding diwn into themselves. Like if u had a perfect leaf and you put your finger under the leaf and tried rapping it around you finger , long ways. Hope u guys can understand. I'm going to do. A watering once every three day's and. Once again three day's after that, then the same with feeding... I'm using. Ph perfect. Technology. 3 ppart fertilizer

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member

  • if you are watering them every morning then it is too much. u want it to dry around the roots sometime not be wet all the time or you will get root rot. i see alot of ppl watering in small amounts and more often thinking putting to much water in the pot is over watering, but really over watering is not letting the soil dry out a bit. you can do a mini flush everytime you water basicly i water til i see a decent amount of run off. most of them look like their leaves are heavy from over watering. let them dry all out then weigh the pot dry on bathroom scale or something, water them and weigh it again. give you a idea of weigh dry and wet.<copy/pasted from my last post as is same thing>​


Scotty Pot Seed

Active Member
You can buy a moisture peter prod at most hardware stores for a few bucks in the garden dept. When in doubt or till you get a feel for how often to water you can stick this thing down in the dirt a few inches to see how saturated your dirt is below the surface. Though it only goes down about 6 inches so if you have a deep 5 gal bucket it won't tell what the bottom is. I assume you have drainage holes yes?