Very tip of serrations are curling up??


Well-Known Member
Hello I have a plant, and all the very tip of all the serations of the leaves are curling up. My room is currently 76 degrees 55% humidity and it is similar day and night i know that is a little high for night time temps but i dont think that is what is causing this, my ph is 6.2, currently on day 7 of veg after transplanting a rooted clone.


Well-Known Member
I have taken that in the past to mean early signs of more than it wants of something, or early mag def or both. At least on mine anyways.


Well-Known Member
pots should stay as dry as possible every night. Of course that's not always possible but yours look overwatered for sure. Try giving it less water when dry


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies everybody ill make sure to let them dry out enough and use less water this watering