Vet starting to grow for med self use, need help and info please.


Need to grow for med use, IED from Iraq was caused pain issues and MJ helps with pain management. Looking to grow for self use, three plants at most. Looking for plans for a stealth grow box, must have items and such. Totally new at this, think LED LIGHTS would do best for my needs, but wondering on the number needed for three plants? and with LED DO YOU NEED TO VENT OFF HEAT?
Live in the SE USA,is it possible to order seeds and have then sent through the mail? Is there a site that explains all this? Looking for help. Thank you.....:dunce:


Well-Known Member
a quick google search will give you alot of answers to your question whatever you cant find cme back and ask


thanks for the heads up, just trying to get through all the clutter, and get needed info with out all the BS of spending hours online, thaks for the quick response!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
what year were you in iraq i was there too been out of the service for like 5 years got shot in the left thigh i was k9


2006-2007, then 2009, got F##k up in Mosul. RPG, IED hit on left side. MJ seems to be the best thing for the PTSD, and TBI issues, all the 14 meds from the doc's do not help with sleep.


New Member
I highly recommend buying Greg Green's book - The Cannabis Grow Bible .. You ll be able to read at leisure and will not be sorting through bullshit , its actually going to show you that the vast majority who give advice here are full of shit and are just re-posting the same shit they read within the net as well ..

If I could only give on piece of advice to a new grower , recreational or medical .. It would be to simply purchase this book and study it well and return to it when a reference is needed.. Its a damn fine resource for everything you need to know and can be found for less than the average priced bottle of Nutrients ..



Well-Known Member
Seems safe to order seeds to the SE US so far. Have no knowledge of leds though, sorry. Was over there in 09' too.


Thank you all for the info, looking to build a stealth grow box for a unheated garage. Is this possible to keep the inside temp at 72, live in SE USA, no hard freeze here, just night time lows in the 30's sometimes during the winter. Any and all info wellcome.