How conveniently self serving.
Since when is it our 'job' or 'duty' to go 'fix' the world?
Can't you see this for the smokescreen that it is? It's a self aggrandizing excuse to go fuck with other countries as a pretext to overthrow their governments, steal their resources and subvert the will of their citizens.
It would be one thing if we actually tried to bring Justice to the places we intervene in, but the record speaks for itself. It's a long and bloody record, check it out.
I'm sick of watching honorable men and women come home in bodybags over thin excuses for corporatist imperialism. I'm doubly sick that they use my 'security' as justification for it while they profit and that's why I'm speaking out.
I know of no better way to honor the fallen than to ensure those who would send them to their deaths are held accountable.
I heard this story on NPR driving into work this morrning. Pros and amateurs working together to get the remains of these two twins killed on the same day 74 years ago buried together.
I cannot even think about the dogs we left behind in upsets me in the worst way......serious survivors guilt.....serious
and yet during WW2 and Korea, any dog that was physically OK was returned stateside. sadI cannot even think about the dogs we left behind in upsets me in the worst way......serious survivors guilt.....serious
and yet during WW2 and Korea, any dog that was physically OK was returned stateside. sad
You call me sick for wanting to stop seeing our men in uniform killed in senseless wars for profit?You need help man. Schizophrenia can be controlled with modern medications now.