Vibes From People


Well-Known Member
This is not psuedoscience. The human body is a dual electromagnetic neural circuit with and a liquid iron containing circulatory system. The presence of subtle electromagnetic fields around the body isn't hocus pocus, it's fuckin' DUH.

What it means, how its vlaues fluctuate, the relativity to the 'mood' of an individual are yet undocumented and unresearched by anyone that hasn't couched in a shitsack of new age hippie witch bullshit.
It seems a fair amount of research and critical thought has been applied to the idea of auras

CSI Auras
Human Energy Fields

For example


Well-Known Member
Excellent reference. Pretty much the same skeptic "We don't knwo shit so there must not be shit"

"The human body does, in fact, give off certain radiations, including weak electromagnetic emanations (from the electrical activity of the nerves), chemical emissions (some of which may be detected, for instance, as body odor), sonic waves (from the physical actions within the body), etc. Paranormalists sometimes equate these radiations with the aura (Permutt 1988, 57-58), but they do not represent a single, unified phenomenon, nor have they been shown to have the mystical properties attributed to auras. "

Now equate that to the signal from an encrypted bluetooth device. Just because you can't identify a pattern or it's meaning doesn't mean it doesn't have one. Nor does it have to be 'intelligent' What were you expecting output in 1's and 0's?

To be entirely fair. That's the argument for a pattern in Pi.


Well-Known Member
Translation: Ignoarance doesn't make a good argument.

I agree. It proves nothing six ways to a dozen. I've got nothing to prove it with and quite frankly have better shit to do with my time (LIKE ARGU ON ZEE INTERNETS) and a skeptics six shooter still doesn't disprove God even if it's right in front of your face.