vibrating scrog net?


Well-Known Member
OK, let me begin by saying I think I'm onto something here, even tho i probably sound like an idiot...

I walked into my room and there was a box fan up against my 20 gallon pot, 4x8 scrog. All the buds were as shaking, every leaf, uniformly twitching... Its was awesome and worked 10x better than any fans!

now if that is one of the goals of using a fan, I could see this benefitting a great deal...

has anybody ever tried anything like this before?

My stems are very thick, can't see them getting too much thicker...

Peace , love n respect


Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
One of the goals of running a fan is to help strengthen stems, but it's of a very limited benefit unless you've got a big ass fan. The primary reason you have a fan blowing air on your plants is to help with gas exchange and transpiration, which as you may already know, are key processes related to photosynthesis and plant growth.:peace: