Vicodin... Is it a problem? Marijuana helps withdrawl


Active Member
As I sit here half buzzing from the two 750mg of vicodin I just chewed, I think to myself... Could I actually have a problem with this? I go through a 30 pill container in less than 15 days. Kinda concerning me now.

On another note: Coming off of said pill really SUCKS... You always want to get it back up, you feel miserable, and you simply can't stand yourself... I have noticed though, when detoxing or trying to detox, smoking a little herb makes it so much easier. I actually stuck to the marijuana and it seemed to take the edge off of needing the vicodin. Anyone else see this?

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
If you think its a problem, or becoming a problem, then it probably is.
If you're past the point of needing them for recovery from surgery or an accident, then yes.

Vikes never did shit for me, so I wouldn't know what habitual use feels like.

Pot does help withrawls, becuz' its something... and we all need something in this crazy fukked up world.

Pot is good. Pot is relatively safe. So narrow down what you need to get by and cope with everyday pain.
When you eliminate everything, 'cept the Bud, and an occasional drink at a friends or party, then you should be good to go.



Active Member
Yea, I've noticed the hydrocodone reacts different to different people... Me, I LOVE IT. It puts me in a dream like state. Sort of like your sitting down, and your beside yourself, looking at yourself, making sure you don't do anything stupid... It also makes colors more alert. Not hallucinating, just clearer.

Other people, it does nothing to them... I've known some to take oxys and have no effects... You COULD try taking a few, THAN eating... It gets the blood moving to your stomach to get the active chemicals to your brain.


Well-Known Member
mmmmmm, opiates!

No way to detox from opiates except withdrawl... Marijuana will not hurt you during this detox, smoke freely.

DO NOT smoke commercial hash - since the US army has been screwing around in Afghanistan and Iraq, the price of opium has dropped dramatically. Some commercial hash sellers are mixing the cheaper opium with the delicious cannabis hash - many hash smokers have become addicted to opium this way the last few years. If its a dark dark hash, and you dont know where it came from, it might have opium in it.

you may get itchy skin when not using - give it a couple weeks and you should be good...


Well-Known Member
oh, there is a drug for opiate detox - Subutex or something like that - but, thats for heavy heroin users usually


Well-Known Member
My brother used weed to help over come a crack addiction , but be careful not to replace one addiction with another like many people do . certain people are also more subsessile to addictions


Active Member
I'll take them! You're a prime example of how vicodin reacts different to different people. I get a sense of feeling good, and everything else I described above, while you get sick.


Well-Known Member
i have to take four to get any real effect, on new years i dislocated all 5 metatarsels in my foot so i had plenty of vicodin. it makes me feel pretty damn good but im kinda scared cause i have to take so many just to get "high" and each one has 500mg of aceteminophen (spell check) and i heard that shit wreeks havoc on your liver at high doses, so i stick to the dank mary