Video Games!!! Reviews on systems and games!


Well-Known Member
gears of war you are behind the person controlling him. for whoever asked a good 1st person shootter


Too many brownies
fuck a ps3.....for now anyways. Xbox 360 kicks ass, they say ps3 game just arent at the systems full potential yet, but, i think thats horse shit.
They said the same bullshit about the ps2 for is fucking bullshit dont believe it. :twisted::peace:


Well-Known Member
I hope you knocked him the fu(k out. Fuc( that. anyone willing to fuck around like that needs an ass wooping. Friends or no friends
my best friends i would never consider hitting, that is just our bond. there is like 3 friends and i would consider takin a bullet for them, and i would never put my hands on any of them. i am sure they feel the same way. i consider them brothers and we are blood in, blood out. also wouldnt want to hit him when he is drunk as shit holding a rifle. but i totally hear you, anyone else pulled that shit i would dedicate my days to seeing they were payed back. where i live you cant let that shit slide. but seeing he was like a brother to me, it just hurt my heart. after i told him to pull the trigger, i think he put the gun down and we hugged(haha i know pussy) and he told me he was sorry. even though i forgave him, deep in my heart i have lost repect for him because i would never ever pull a gun on my closest boys.


New Member
I have to dissagree with the whole xbox 360 being better than the ps3. I owned a xbox for a long time and sold it after i beat halo. I sold it to buy my ps3. Now that ps3 has come down in price it is a far better bargain than xbox. It comes with so much more. You get a controller that is rechargeable, you get free wifi, there internet is also free. On xbox for wireless internet you need to pay 100 dollars to buy an wireless adaptor. You pay for xbox live. You also need to buy an adapter to make your xbox controller rechargeable. Cuz i know i sure got sick of buying batteries for my xbox. Ps3 has better graphics and is much faster. You can fit so much more information on a blue ray disc there for more things canbe added into a game. The only reason xbox has more games is because they have been out a year longer than ps3. You get a much larger hard drive with your ps3 and also you get a free blue ray disc player. you have to buy the high def adapter to play hd movies on xbox. Ps3 will eventually rise to become the best once again as soon as the games start rolling off faster. I cant wait for metal gear solid 4. Uncharted was an awesome game. I could go on for ever about ps3. I'm not saying xbox isn't a great system cuz it is. I'm just saying ps3 will once again rise to be the power house it's always been. So you need to give ps3 some credit.


Well-Known Member
I have to dissagree with the whole xbox 360 being better than the ps3. I owned a xbox for a long time and sold it after i beat halo. I sold it to buy my ps3. Now that ps3 has come down in price it is a far better bargain than xbox. It comes with so much more. You get a controller that is rechargeable, you get free wifi, there internet is also free. On xbox for wireless internet you need to pay 100 dollars to buy an wireless adaptor. You pay for xbox live. You also need to buy an adapter to make your xbox controller rechargeable. Cuz i know i sure got sick of buying batteries for my xbox. Ps3 has better graphics and is much faster. You can fit so much more information on a blue ray disc there for more things canbe added into a game. The only reason xbox has more games is because they have been out a year longer than ps3. You get a much larger hard drive with your ps3 and also you get a free blue ray disc player. you have to buy the high def adapter to play hd movies on xbox. Ps3 will eventually rise to become the best once again as soon as the games start rolling off faster. I cant wait for metal gear solid 4. Uncharted was an awesome game. I could go on for ever about ps3. I'm not saying xbox isn't a great system cuz it is. I'm just saying ps3 will once again rise to be the power house it's always been. So you need to give ps3 some credit.
OK BUD:roll::roll::roll:


Well-Known Member
yea dude thats it, no its that the 360 came out about 2 years before the ps3, so i bought it. now the ps3 comes out and the graphics are the same as 360, wow thats crazy to me it took that long to catch up, oh wait yea your right ps3 is better:roll::roll::roll:OK


Too many brownies
I have to dissagree with the whole xbox 360 being better than the ps3. I owned a xbox for a long time and sold it after i beat halo. I sold it to buy my ps3. Now that ps3 has come down in price it is a far better bargain than xbox. It comes with so much more. You get a controller that is rechargeable, you get free wifi, there internet is also free. On xbox for wireless internet you need to pay 100 dollars to buy an wireless adaptor. You pay for xbox live. You also need to buy an adapter to make your xbox controller rechargeable. Cuz i know i sure got sick of buying batteries for my xbox. Ps3 has better graphics and is much faster. You can fit so much more information on a blue ray disc there for more things canbe added into a game. The only reason xbox has more games is because they have been out a year longer than ps3. You get a much larger hard drive with your ps3 and also you get a free blue ray disc player. you have to buy the high def adapter to play hd movies on xbox. Ps3 will eventually rise to become the best once again as soon as the games start rolling off faster. I cant wait for metal gear solid 4. Uncharted was an awesome game. I could go on for ever about ps3. I'm not saying xbox isn't a great system cuz it is. I'm just saying ps3 will once again rise to be the power house it's always been. So you need to give ps3 some credit.
Have you ever heard of rechargeable batteries? I am also going to disagree with you saying ps3 has better graphics.....You wanna know what game won the award for best graphics of any console game, call of duty 4 on xbox 360.

"A visual comparison of the Ridge Racer game for the Xbox 360 and the PS3 shows that the Xbox 360’s version looks better and is more detailed than on the PS3. If you take a look at the side-by-side comparison of the graphics at the website, the Xbox 360 version, even though released earlier than the PS3 version (which has really only been available for the past couple of days), has better, darker colours, with more details in the road surface and in on screen graphics."

Thats a quote I found


Too many brownies
Being a video game developer (I develop for both, Playstation 3 and XBOX 360) people ask me almost daily which platform I think is better. These are my personal feelings, in no way does this reflect my employer.
Short answer: XBOX 360.
Long answer: Price, performance, visual quality, game selection and online support. I think the XBOX 360 wins in every category.
Price: This is obvious; the XBOX 360 core is only $299. The PS3 is around $499 for the 20GB version. It comes with a hard drive, but you don’t need a hard drive to enjoy a lot of great games on the 360 so I think it’s fair to compare both core systems.
Performance: On paper, the PS3 is more powerful. In reality, it’s quite inferior to the 360. Without getting into too many details, the three general-purpose CPU’s the xbox360 has are currently FAR easier to take advantage of than the SPU’s on the PS3. I suspect a few years down the road some high budget, first party PS3 exclusive titles will come out that really take advantage of the SPU’s and do things the XBOX 360 can’t, but I don’t think the console is worth buying based on this speculation (for some it will be though, we'll have to wait and see how these games turn out).

Graphics: The XBOX 360 is a clear winner. The GPU is more powerful. It has more powerful fillrate, and far more pixel and vertex processing horsepower. Part of the reason is their choice of memory, and architecture of pixel and vertex procesing. I can’t get into details but the same vertex shader will run much slower on the PS3 than the XBOX 360. The 360 also has a clever new way rendering high definition anti aliased back buffers. To accomplish the same effect on PS3 is prohibitively expensive. For this reason I think many games will have no choice but to run in non-HD resolutions on the PS3 version, use a lower quality anti aliasing technique, or do back buffer upscaling. The end result in all cases is going to be noticeably worse image quality.
Game Selection: The XBOX 360 has a huge head start here. 1 year is an eternity in gaming. Almost all multi-platform developers have made the XBOX 360 their primary platform due to timing of release-to-market, this means the games will look and perform better on the 360. The PS3 versions will be ports of the 360 versions. (The opposite was true for XBOX 1 vs. PS2). The XBOX 360 is also far faster to develop for due to better development tools (massively popular Visual Studio .NET vs. proprietary, buggy PS3 compiler and debugger), better documentation, and easier architecture (3 general purpose CPU’s vs. 8 specialized processors that require DMA). Timing has also caused all next-gen middleware developers to make XBOX 360 their primary platform, and they will ‘add ps3 support’ as needed. This support will probably be inferior to the XBOX 360’s due to manpower and more importantly, demand. It’s this catch-22 now that will continue to drive the 360 forward and hold PS3 back.
The other obvious point here is that right now the Xbox360 already has a very impressive line-up of titles on store shelves; the ps3 just launched, and has virtually nothing of interest. Also, many 360 games are already discounted ($25 for Fight Night 3 at CircuitCity). PS3 games are all full price since it just launched.
Live: Microsoft’s online support with XBOX1 was phenomenal. They built in-house experience, user base, facilities, $$ commitment from executive level (since it proved successful), and most importantly, feedback from 100,000s of XBOX Live subscribers. Playstation 2’s online support sucked. They are now playing catch-up, trying to emulate Xbox’s model. But they had their hands tied just trying to make the PS3 work, it was incredibly ambitious (blu-ray etc.). I haven’t seen it yet, but I seriously doubt the quality will be anywhere to the level of XBOX 360.
HD Content: The PS3 comes with one built in (blu-ray). The XBOX 360 offers HD-DVD as an add-on for $200. You probably don’t care about HD-DVD right now. But you will soon (The quality between DVD and HD is comparable to VHS vs DVD, if you have the right TV) so I suggest paying attention to the war that’s begun. There are two formats: HD-DVD and BLU-RAY. Basically if you rent a BLU-RAY DVD from Bockbuster, it won’t play in your XBOX 360 HD-DVD, and vice versa with the PS3. The implications of this format war would require another article on its own. But as far as the consoles are concerned, the XBOX 360 wins because the DVD player is a separate unit. Playing movies is very taxing on the DVD reader, and let’s face it. In 3 years when your PS3 DVD drive goes out due to playing lots of movies (PS2 was notoriously bad about this) you will have to go buy another PS3. With the 360, you’ll just chuck your HD-DVD player, and go buy another one at the store. In 3 years standalone units wlil probably only cost about $99-150. Another point for the XBOX 360, is that I don’t know who will win the format-war, so I would rather wait with purchase of a HD player. The PS3 doesn’t give you this option.
PS3 controversy: Shootings, Wallmart fights, $15,000 Ebay sales etc. My advice is ignore it. It will pass soon.


New Member
Yeah I have heard of rechargeable batteries. I stated that point. The fact that you have to go out and buy rechargeable batteries for a system you payed big bucks for is riddiculous. Oh and facts? What facts? I stopped reading what ever nowstopwhining was talking about when i read his second paragraph which states ps3 costing 499 with a 20 gig. I'm sorry but I payed 400 for mine and it came with a 40 gig and spiderman 3 blue ray. So if were talking facts you might want to get them right. If if you are going by xbox360 winning awards for callofduty. Im sorry my friend but there are about a million different awards given out to different games. It all just depends on who's giving out the award. Im sorry but i call bullshit on stopwhining being a game devolper cuz he has no clue.


Too many brownies
"Graphics: The XBOX 360 is a clear winner. The GPU is more powerful. It has more powerful fillrate, and far more pixel and vertex processing horsepower. Part of the reason is their choice of memory, and architecture of pixel and vertex procesing. I can’t get into details but the same vertex shader will run much slower on the PS3 than the XBOX 360. The 360 also has a clever new way rendering high definition anti aliased back buffers. To accomplish the same effect on PS3 is prohibitively expensive. For this reason I think many games will have no choice but to run in non-HD resolutions on the PS3 version, use a lower quality anti aliasing technique, or do back buffer upscaling. The end result in all cases is going to be noticeably worse image quality."


New Member
just look at the website that wrote this article they are obviously selling the xbox360. So of course there shove bullshit down your throat.


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna have to say Xbox is better than the Ps3 for the fact that you can put emulators on the Xbox hard drive. but you do kinda have to hacxor it. but not only that, you can put games on the hard drive. you'd never have to buy games.


also i know i'm kinda late but that game portal is wayyy fun.