Video taping government buildings/check points


Well-Known Member
1. Illegal to tape federal government buildings. They can tape us, but we can't tape them. The vid doesn't actually start till the 3 min mark. This made me sick to my stomach when i watched this. Things are getting more fucked up every day.


2. What do you guys think of check points. Whether it's army check points or police check points. I for one am against both. I'm also against cops that park down the street from a bar to pick up people who just left. evil bastards :evil:. anyway, this is video of a pastor telling his story about how he got the shit kicked out of him for not letting them search his car at a check point.



Well-Known Member
They don't want any sort of truth recorded on video. People believe what they see, it's the best way to spread truth. Also they're now labeling anti-abortion, pro-constitution Americans, returning vets as terrorists.

Can people face the music now? We're in a lot of fucking trouble. Your false reality, your safety and security... it's only temporary. You own nothing. Don't you get it? It's all a goddamn game to them. They can take everything you got, even your kids.

We need a revolution. The only change this administration brings is more surveillance and poverty.


Well-Known Member
If one can't comprehend why it would be illegal to videotape a govt building then you are farther gone than I thought.


Well-Known Member
If one can't comprehend why it would be illegal to videotape a govt building then you are farther gone than I thought.
Federal Reserve isn't really "government", it's a quasi-government organization that is privately owned with minimal public (government) oversight.


Well-Known Member
If one can't comprehend why it would be illegal to videotape a govt building then you are farther gone than I thought.

Yeah my video camara could be a partical beam I constructed in my basement to blow up orphins. Please, If they can tape me I can tape them. What makes them so special?

These people are however, correct they are in the "cross-hairs." We are watching them and they know it. And we are everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Not just the Gov.. the other day I got passed by one of those google camera cars taking pics of all the streets.....
the cars have these on 6' masts..



Well-Known Member
welcome to change..
Actually it was your buddy Bush that implemented this change, did you have a problem back then?

Pakistani Man Arrested While Videotaping Buildings May Stand Trial

Sept. 27, 2004 – Police arrested Kamran Akhtar, a Pakistani national accused of living in the US illegally, on July 20 while videotaping skyscrapers in Charlotte, North Carolina. Today, Akhtar remains in Mecklenburg County Jail in Charlotte waiting to see if he will be convicted of violating immigration laws and imprisoned or deported. Meanwhile, the case has raised concerns among Charlotte's Islamic population that Akhtar may be the object of racial profiling and selective enforcement of immigration laws.

Hough, the Islamic Political Party of America chairman, said he believes Akhtar is the victim of racial profiling and selective enforcement of immigration laws. He said there were many undocumented immigrants in the area, but the government targeted Akhtar.

Miller added that Akhtar's case is a striking example of how the Patriot Act is being used today. "Mr. Akhtar was detained for two weeks without being charged criminally," Miller explained. "There was a time you couldn't do that in the US. That changed when the Bush administration jammed the Patriot Act legislation through Congress.


Well-Known Member
Yes I cared a great deal! Thats why I supported Ron Paul. Obama voted for most of Bushes shit. There is no change open your eyes!! We still have the wars, the wiretaps, the police state its getting worse! All the right wing extreamists want is to be free why is this wrong?? Its just easyer now for the right wing to step up and make noise. People need to figure out their ain't a dimes worth of diffrence between the two main partys.


New Member
Yes I cared a great deal! Thats why I supported Ron Paul. Obama voted for most of Bushes shit. There is no change open your eyes!! We still have the wars, the wiretaps, the police state its getting worse! All the right wing extreamists want is to be free why is this wrong?? Its just easyer now for the right wing to step up and make noise. People need to figure out their ain't a dimes worth of diffrence between the two main partys.
I guess the question is: Is Obama better or worse than "W"? In my estimation, he is better, not perfect, but better. I'm sure there are those that will disagree with me,~LOL~.


New Member
I suppose that's how they get their street views for google maps, How sinister is that,~LOL~.

Yeah, but what you don't know is that those are mind control devices brodcasting passiveness to the population. It doesn't effect you if you smoke pot however, HA!


New Member
I guess the question is: Is Obama better or worse than "W"? In my estimation, he is better, not perfect, but better. I'm sure there are those that will disagree with me,~LOL~.

WAAAAAAAAAY to early to say. Thats Y this who is the better president shit gets old fast... Crystal ball anyone? Hindsight is 20/20 however..


New Member
WAAAAAAAAAY to early to say. Thats Y this who is the better president shit gets old fast... Crystal ball anyone? Hindsight is 20/20 however..
Yes, but he'd have to screw the pooch pretty bad to be worse, not saying it couldn't happen, but I think he is much smarter than Bush and we know, much more elegant in his speeches.