Vikes or Perks???


Well-Known Member
Vicodin and Percocet. They're prescription narcotic painkillers. Vicodin's are pretty weak...Percocet's are much stronger.


Well-Known Member
I use weak Percocet for pain. If you're going to try it as a recreational drug be careful about the dosage, the acetaminophen can destroy your liver.


Well-Known Member
I use weak Percocet for pain. If you're going to try it as a recreational drug be careful about the dosage, the acetaminophen can destroy your liver.
true that. Cold wate extraction will take care of that problem. Although, it's mainly used to make an injectable form of the Active Oxicodone without the added Acetaminophen.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I just looked that up. I might use that even though I'm only taking them for pain relief. I don't think the acetaminophen is helping me and I don't see the point in taxing my liver with something useless. +Rep


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I just looked that up. I might use that even though I'm only taking them for pain relief. I don't think the acetaminophen is helping me and I don't see the point in taxing my liver with something useless. +Rep
Ya, back in the day I did it quite a bit more then I should have. Once I had gotten a Script for 90 of the perc 10mg and did the who batch. Then I continued the process by putting the already extracted Oxicodone liquid into a a slow cooker and cook it down to about 3 ounces of liquid. I'll tell you, I was surpised just how potent it was. 900mg in 3 ounces of water was quite a treat. But the fact is, it was only equal to about 11 Oxicontin 80mg's.
I knew a guy who used to get 120 80's a month for a back problem he didn't even have. well he is dead now, along with many other I used to Run with.
So what ever you choose to do, just be carefull.


Well-Known Member
Ya, back in the day I did it quite a bit more then I should have. Once I had gotten a Script for 90 of the perc 10mg and did the who batch. Then I continued the process by putting the already extracted Oxicodone liquid into a a slow cooker and cook it down to about 3 ounces of liquid. I'll tell you, I was surpised just how potent it was. 900mg in 3 ounces of water was quite a treat. But the fact is, it was only equal to about 11 Oxicontin 80mg's.
I knew a guy who used to get 120 80's a month for a back problem he didn't even have. well he is dead now, along with many other I used to Run with.
So what ever you choose to do, just be carefull.
Sorry to hear about your friends :/

I don't think I'd like that type of high. I like a Sativa weed buzz better. I just want them for pain killers. I don't exceed the recommended dosage right now. Sometimes that's not enough for the pain. I'd like to have a way to increase the dosage and this sounds like it would work.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your friends :/

I don't think I'd like that type of high. I like a Sativa weed buzz better. I just want them for pain killers. I don't exceed the recommended dosage right now. Sometimes that's not enough for the pain. I'd like to have a way to increase the dosage and this sounds like it would work.
If it's really a concern and you want to avoid the extraction process, tell your doctor that you would like to have Oxicontin 5mg. instead of perks. Same active ingrediant without the Tylenol. just say that the tylenol is irritating your stomach.
And about my friend, well lets just say he had it coming. He knew that he should have quit. We offered him many different detox and rehabs, paid. He he had a great support structure. His family loved and supported him to the end. And he still wouldn't get the help he needed. It was nobodys fault but his own. I put every resource I had into helping him, but in the end it was OD that killed him. He was looking at prison time for forged checks. I think it was a personal choice not an accidental Overdose. The thought of withdrawel makes men do crazy things.
Don't get hooked. If you do, help is out there. you just have ask for it.


Active Member
my friend and i have had some vicodin bestowed upon us. We can not decide whether the most effective way would be snorting the crushed up pill, or parachuting. After some research, we thought parachuting would be the best pathway to take. However a friend of mine told me that snorting was much more effective. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
my friend and i have had some vicodin bestowed upon us. We can not decide whether the most effective way would be snorting the crushed up pill, or parachuting. After some research, we thought parachuting would be the best pathway to take. However a friend of mine told me that snorting was much more effective. Any thoughts?
Since when does '' - AKA a marijuana site - lead you to believe that you can ask all kinds of silly questions about poppin pills? Geez - you silly kids...

If you really want advice, you'd be a moron to snort something that is meant to be digested in the stomach. It'll burn like a bitch. You wouldn't snort a tylenol, would you??? Grow a brain man...


Well-Known Member
Since when does '' - AKA a marijuana site - lead you to believe that you can ask all kinds of silly questions about poppin pills? Geez - you silly kids...

If you really want advice, you'd be a moron to snort something that is meant to be digested in the stomach. It'll burn like a bitch. You wouldn't snort a tylenol, would you??? Grow a brain man...
I agree, snorting Vicodan is a no no.

Can only help to feel bad for fallen friends rip. Shits insane glad im out alive
You and me both, Thank god for recovery. What were we thinking???


Active Member
Er, yeah, don't mess with that stuff. You might as well be smoking opium at that point. Be fortunate that we all can enjoy the most kick-ass drug with no negative side effects, no overdose risk, and very little if any addiction. Save the pills for recovering from surgery and what not.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I just looked that up. I might use that even though I'm only taking them for pain relief. I don't think the acetaminophen is helping me and I don't see the point in taxing my liver with something useless. +Rep
If your getting them from a legit pain doctor ask him to set you up with Vicoprofen instead of Vicoden,instead of being loaded with Acetomiophin they are made with Ibuprofen.

I have vast experience with these evil things,ive got permanent back damage from a broken back & life time severe pain from extensive 3rd degree burns i recieved over 12% of my body,my nerve endings are electric with pain for days on end so i must take some sort of pain killers most days, for the rest of my life .

This shit you kids are doing with these things is playing with your life,i get 90 count 80 mg oxycontin each month,i also get per my request 120 count vicoden 7.5 & 120 ml tussionex liquid Hydrocodone syrup,im also able to recieve a product called Stadol NS for the severe migrane headaches the opiates cause me.

This kinda shit is garbage & it pains me greatly to see all you young kids fukin around with this shit,i try like hell not to take any of the garbage pain killers i have but some days i cant stand the pain even to walk down the steps out of my home to go to work,its been a choice going on 20 years now to live my day racked with pain or to take that garbage,most days i get by with a few joints but then there are other days where i cant take enough oxycontin to get the pain below a pain level 5 it hurts so damm bad,especially when its cold outside,the nerve endings in my body that were burned come alive & it feels like im burning & on fire all over again,its a mother scratcher.

I wish to god the staff here would ban these lousy ass threads,supposedly they hold value so we can warn others about taking bad drugs:roll:

You young kids have no idea what your fuking with,these narcotics are the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my life & i get them legally from my pain management doctor,i never fail a drug test,i dont spend out of pocket money on them because my insurance foots the bill,i dont sneak around to take them,i dont spend money on them,i dont have to steal or sell my tv to get them,i have no problems in my marrige because of them & still they are the worst part of the life i live.

If any of you kids who read this & take oxy's or vicoden please stop & think about this,every opiate pain killer is just a weaker form of heroin & thats a fact,the fukin shit is absolute poison,no heroin addict ever thought he'd be on his knees giving out blow jobs to get high when he first started "chipping" yet most end up on the skids,lost their entire family,stole from family,no friends left ect ect ect,when you take opiates recrteationally weather you know it or not your chipping,thats what herion users call it,chipping is just taking a little taste,then a few weeks later anohter taste,then a few days after that another taste,then the next day another taste,until they have chipped their way into a full blown living nightmare of an addiction that controls their lives,it becomes more important than getting pussy,this is what you've got to look foward to.

If you dont have a legit reason to take hese things than please dont,not every adult who warns you about this garbage is full of shit & just trying to keep you from the things they've done their own self,some of us actually care that you dont destroy your lives with this garbage,grow up & act like adults & stop taking that garbage for fun,its no different than crack.

If any of you young guys ever want to talk about the real life deal that goes along with these type drugs hit me up with a pm,ive been told i make the site look bad from preaching about this sorta shit so i wont go into anymore in a thread but if you hit me on a pm i'd be glad to talk to you about the reality of these drugs.


Well-Known Member
def prefer them perks hell yes, or do ya one better go get yourself some valium those fuckin things are awsome, had a crazy experience getting my wisdom teeth out fuckin insane but they also had me on morphine too but still i want more of them blue pillls!!


Well-Known Member
that shit gets addicting, so watch out. it is relaxing, but idk if it is worth the damage. unlike smokng a joint, every time u pop the effect is weaker