

I had a boo-boo and ended up with a lot of seeds on part of the plant, any one know a simple way to get rid of them.


usually if part of the plant get seeds, the whole thing will get seeds. thats unfortunate man id say just make some tea or brownies as the seeded bud will not be very good at all to smoke. Good Luck

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
There isn't any way of getting rid of them...just let them mature and keep the seeds for next time! Depending on how much of the plant is seeded you MAY be able to cut off those branches (like say if its 1 or 2) but I wouldn't if they were big or if there were a lot of them...


Why not just smoke it? Like we never smoked pot with seeds.......30 plus years ago that was all that was available.