Vinegar water on buds to stop bud rot/mold

So i have some budrot and mold spreading across my buds which is drying atm, talked to my science teacher (im in highschool) and she said that mixing a little bit of white vinegar with water and then spraying the buds will kill the mold and bacteria. While i know this is true i was wondering if this will kill the thc, im not worried about the taste im selling most of it anyways

Thanks in advance


Ursus marijanus
Removed. i just re-read ... I thought this was a plant still growing. My bad. Selling moldy bud? Oh man. cn


Well-Known Member
aww man...will people buy moldy buds that smell like vinegar and taste like shit where you are? Hopefully what you seel doesn't don't make somebody sick and you end up in T-R-O-U-B-L-E..
aww man...will people buy moldy buds that smell like vinegar and taste like shit where you are? Hopefully what you seel doesn't don't make somebody sick and you end up in T-R-O-U-B-L-E..
Haha, ill cut the moldy bits out fo sho, want my customers coming back for my 'funky' smelling buds


Active Member
aww man...will people buy moldy buds that smell like vinegar and taste like shit where you are? Hopefully what you seel doesn't don't make somebody sick and you end up in T-R-O-U-B-L-E..
You don,t expect any kind of morality do you ? look at his reply, "haha i,ll cut the mouldy bits out" he,s a

Haha, ill cut the moldy bits out fo sho, want my customers coming back for my 'funky' smelling buds
Salt and vinegar ? it could catch on ? you sound like a typical street selling fuckwit, is that what you offer people ? mouldy fucking vinegar bud, go and hang your head in shame! i cant help but treat you type with contempt your due when i think of the wet shitty weed that folk like you have sold to people for silly money. TCD


Active Member
well said SO TRUE !!!!!! My buddy had 3 lobes taken from his lungs from moldy bud someone tried CURING the mold on and failed listen to above posts might better close shop doc!!!!
You're in high school? Isn't there some kind of age limit to be on this site.

How about you pay more attention in school and quit being a drug dealer to the kids at your school. Selling people moldy bud? Do you not care if someone has medical issues because of the shit your pulling. You have no shame do you?


Active Member
hahah oh man ^^^this guy is so fucking ridiculous XD
I,ll second that, only a fukwit could make a coment like that, get a life budy, more importantly get somewhere else to post your nonsense. people here don,t condone selling weed. TCD

Pharmcroper what do you mean ??? leafs don,t get bud rott ? it also does not cuase yellow leafs. Have you read the right post ? TCD


Active Member
I,ll second that, only a fukwit could make a coment like that, get a life budy, more importantly get somewhere else to post your nonsense. people here don,t condone selling weed. TCD

Pharmcroper what do you mean ??? leafs don,t get bud rott ? it also does not cuase yellow leafs. Have you read the right post ? TCD

NO NO NO...I didnt say this....the op did !!!! I put it in quotes to show I totally get what this turd is about, by reading a post of his, which is in quotations..

but thanks for the benefit of the doubt..most would have shredded me !!!!


Well-Known Member
Don't know why everyone's so mad if you don't like the look and smell don't buy, I wouldent buy vinegar weed (or any for that matter) but if that's all the dealer has to sell and u don't know anyone else not his fault you called him. Also a tiny bit of mold won't do anything its gonna burn


Active Member
so many things i could say here on this subject but i will settle with just.. you need a kick in the head that is all....


Active Member
Don't know why everyone's so mad if you don't like the look and smell don't buy, I wouldent buy vinegar weed (or any for that matter) but if that's all the dealer has to sell and u don't know anyone else not his fault you called him. Also a tiny bit of mold won't do anything its gonna burn
fuck off, dont even hint that it,s ok to sell mouldy weed. TCD