Violence Against Women


New Member
My bad I have no problem with you, I just remember this exact subject and that you were too stubborn to accept any answer other than "I would let child x die"

I think I had you confused with hep, he will not accept any answer other than the one he wants to hear. Like if being gay is a choice. Sorry for the stoney mix up.
I like Hep but the irony part of what you just said was that he agreed with me about it lol.


Ursus marijanus
Who said it was a grudge? It was an observation I made that Harrik did, just reminded me is all, and the only person making scenarios was you.

I asked IF you HAD to and you started avoiding that by making these scenarios. You knew exactly what I was asking and you made these silly loop holes in order to avoid it.

I know you know what I meant so I'm happy to not be flustered about it anymore. :-)
I appreciate the last line.

I would like to say though that I do not recall making diversionary scenarios. I felt at the time (still do) that you were working hard to constrain your scenario, and my participation in it, to a set of premises I found repugnant and unacceptable. I reacted to it, and I hope you know it wasn't and isn't personal: but I wasn't about to submit to what I saw then and see now as an unacceptable and morally repugnant binary.

I'm not seeking to revive that exchange, and I thank you for providing a mutual out. cn


New Member
Then there probably is no irony. I most likely saw that, hence the association.
Nah, it is. If you can't find anything where I did that besides that time, (for some reason it has to end like that for you) that the "only" association you have with him then I don't think that justifies no irony. I will also agree to disagree, maybe not on this but I'm pretty sure I've debated against Hep to about some stuff, and again the main reason I made no scenario first was because people would just say they would do anything to protect them, which would make the thread boring.


Well-Known Member
Nah, it is. If you can't find anything where I did that besides that time, (for some reason it has to end like that for you) that the "only" association you have with him then I don't think that justifies no irony. I will also agree to disagree, maybe not on this but I'm pretty sure I've debated against Hep to about some stuff, and again the main reason I made no scenario first was because people would just say they would do anything to protect them, which would make the thread boring.
Blah blah blah. Okay you get the last word, happy?



New Member
I appreciate the last line.

I would like to say though that I do not recall making diversionary scenarios. I felt at the time (still do) that you were working hard to constrain your scenario, and my participation in it, to a set of premises I found repugnant and unacceptable. I reacted to it, and I hope you know it wasn't and isn't personal: but I wasn't about to submit to what I saw then and see now as an unacceptable and morally repugnant binary.

I'm not seeking to revive that exchange, and I thank you for providing a mutual out. cn
Not exactly, I never had a scenario in my original post and then you asked me to make one and should've known it was gonna be that you wouldn't give me an answer to MY original question. I mean, it was never meant to be a real actual scenario, it was only meant to be the question itself.


New Member
Blah blah blah. Okay you get the last word, happy?

Lol, you replied so then I do know this is a forums right?

Not sure why you felt the need to blurt that out if you didn't care about "my last word" but that's your problem, not mine. :-)



Well-Known Member
No other group in history has been abused and mistreated like women have. Not even close. I've never once raised my hand to a woman and can't imagine I ever will. I still remember my dad saying when I was a kid that a real man doesn't hit a girl. He was absolutely right. What kind of man gets his kicks by smacking a woman around? Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of very strong women out there that can protect themselves, but let's face it, 99% of men can overpower and take down 99% of women.

I dunno, I just read this story and was quite disgusted with it.

India gang rape victim dies
Women, Jews, Blacks
who has suffered the most?

should women really be put before children in the event of a disaster .. let the women out of the burning building first before the children ?

children have less rights than women, it is reasonable to conclude that children as a group have suffered more than women

peace :)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Women, Jews, Blacks
who has suffered the most?

should women really be put before children in the event of a disaster .. let the women out of the burning building first before the children ?

children have less rights than women, it is reasonable to conclude that children as a group have suffered more than women

peace :)
huh?? teh fux u smokin bro?

when the captain of a doomed ship cries out "women and children first" thats not a fucking heirarchical list in order of importance. it is assumed that the women will be boarding with the children and helping to keep them calm. women and children move together, the men are the ones who take it in the junk. thats why theres no shout of "Dudes and Bros to the Luxury Lifeboats with strippers hotwings and beer" though that would be badass.

we get mauled by sabertooth tigers, drafted into the service of the priest-kings/pharaohs/emperors/republics/dear leaders, get dragooned into hard labour, building pyramids/great walls/monuments have to provide the food and shelter, and wind up getting caught in the nets of those damned dirty apes so the women and kids can escape.

being a Bro aint easy.